The MINES Team Archives - MINES and Associates An International Business Psychology Firm Mon, 09 Sep 2024 22:54:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Suicide Prevention in the Workplace Tue, 10 Sep 2024 09:00:11 +0000 The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 1 million people die each year from suicide. Take a moment to consider that staggering number. Now imagine someone asked you to count 1 million toothpicks—how long would it take? Suicide is an issue that affects many, yet it often goes undiscussed in the workplace. For HR representatives, [...]

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The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 1 million people die each year from suicide. Take a moment to consider that staggering number. Now imagine someone asked you to count 1 million toothpicks—how long would it take? Suicide is an issue that affects many, yet it often goes undiscussed in the workplace.

For HR representatives, supervisors, and managers, the prospect of a colleague or employee contemplating suicide can be overwhelming. Questions about roles, boundaries, and appropriate intervention methods often arise. How do you assess if someone is at risk? What’s the best way to intervene if a risk is detected?

This blog offers a guide to recognizing warning signs, providing prevention tips, and offering postvention strategies in the unfortunate event of a workplace suicide. It also shares ways to support those who may have lost a colleague to suicide.

Warning Signs

Recognizing the warning signs of suicide is key to preventing a tragedy. Some common indicators include:

  1. Talking or writing about death: Statements like “I wish I were dead” or “The world would be better off without me” are red flags.
  2. Seeking access to weapons or pills: Someone may actively seek out dangerous means if they are considering suicide.
  3. Putting affairs in order: Making a will, or tying up loose ends, might signal they are preparing to leave for good.
  4. Appearing down, depressed, or hopeless: A noticeable decline in mood is often a sign of suicidal thoughts.
  5. Isolation: A person who begins to withdraw from social situations, work, or interactions with others may be suffering from major depression.
  6. Engaging in risky behavior: Increased use of alcohol or drugs, reckless driving, and other unsafe behaviors could indicate they’ve given up on life.

Assessing Risk

If you notice these behaviors, it’s important to assess the individual’s risk by considering the following factors:

  1. Biopsychosocial factors: A history of trauma, substance abuse, mental health issues, or previous suicide attempts can increase risk.
  2. Sociocultural factors: Being part of a marginalized group or facing barriers to mental healthcare can lead to feelings of isolation and despair.
  3. Environmental factors: Recent life changes, such as a job loss or the death of a loved one, can trigger suicidal thoughts.
  4. Plan, intent, or means: If someone has a specific plan to harm themselves and the means to do it, their risk level is high.

If you believe someone is in immediate danger, get them professional help, call 911, or take them to the nearest emergency room.

Prevention Tips

Long-term suicide prevention in the workplace involves creating an environment that supports mental health and reduces stigma. Here are some strategies:

  1. Make help accessible: Post suicide prevention hotline numbers in common areas like lunchrooms and bathrooms.
  2. Raise awareness: Ensure employees know about your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and that it’s confidential. Display EAP flyers and provide resources on community mental health services.
  3. Educate employees: Offer trainings on mental health topics such as suicide, stress management, and substance abuse to destigmatize these issues.
  4. Create a balanced work environment**: Offer mental health days or the option to work from home. Address conflicts quickly to maintain a supportive environment.

Postvention Tips

If your workplace has experienced a suicide, the loss can be shocking and traumatic. Here’s how to support your employees:

  1. Acknowledge emotions: Give employees the space and opportunities to express their feelings.
  2. Watch for PTSD symptoms: A drastic change in behavior may indicate that someone is struggling with the incident.
  3. Support healthy grieving: Educate employees about the stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Keep in mind that everyone grieves differently.
  4. Listen empathetically: Let employees know that it’s okay to talk openly about their feelings. Be available and approachable.
  5. Model healthy grieving: Be open about your feelings regarding suicide, setting an example for others.

By understanding the warning signs, implementing prevention strategies, and offering compassionate support, you can help create a safer, more supportive workplace. Early recognition and intervention can lead to positive outcomes. Simply asking, “How are you doing?” could make a world of difference in someone’s life.

Important resources

At MINES, we strive to be a valuable resource for employees who may be facing mental health challenges or suicidal thoughts. Our licensed therapists offer free and confidential counseling 24/7 for our EAP members.

In addition to your EAP, there are numerous other resources available to support individuals who may be considering suicide. You are not alone, and these resources can provide the help you need:

  • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988): Dial 988 for free, confidential support from trained crisis counselors, available 24/7 across the U.S.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with someone who can provide immediate help.
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor via text, available 24/7.
  • The Trevor Project: A lifeline specifically for LGBTQ+ youth. Call 1-866-488-7386, text START to 678678, or visit their website for chat support.
  • Veterans Crisis Line: Veterans and their loved ones can dial 988 and press 1, or text 838255, for specialized support.
  • NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Helpline: Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) for information, support, and referrals for those facing mental health challenges.
  • SAMHSA National Helpline: For those seeking treatment options, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to access a confidential, free, 24/7 helpline that provides information and referrals to local services.
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Visit their website for resources on understanding and preventing suicide, as well as support for those affected by it.

These resources are here to offer support and guidance, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know is struggling. Remember, help is always available, and it’s okay to ask for it.


To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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10 Unique Self-Care Strategies You Can Do at the Workplace Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:54 +0000 Happy National Self-Care Day! Today is all about recognizing the importance of taking care of ourselves. While self-care often brings to mind images of cozy nights at home or relaxing weekend getaways, it's equally important to practice self-care during the hours we spend at work. After all, most of us spend a significant portion of [...]

The post 10 Unique Self-Care Strategies You Can Do at the Workplace appeared first on MINES and Associates.

Happy National Self-Care Day! Today is all about recognizing the importance of taking care of ourselves. While self-care often brings to mind images of cozy nights at home or relaxing weekend getaways, it’s equally important to practice self-care during the hours we spend at work. After all, most of us spend a significant portion of our lives at the office – and finding ways to nurture our well-being in this setting can make a big difference in our overall health and happiness.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 unique self-care strategies you can easily incorporate into your workday.

Why is self-care important?

Too often, self-care is misunderstood as a luxury or “extra” in life – but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Self-care is simply about making sure your basic physical and emotional/mental needs are met. Without practicing regular self-care, you’re more likely to become overwhelmed with stress, which can then lead to very real health consequences like a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, and a higher risk for a wide range of physical and mental health problems.

For example, get restful sleep. Many of us don’t think of sleeping 8 hours a night as “self-care,” but it’s one of the most important things you can do for your overall well-being. And when you don’t practice this type of self-care, your health can worsen dramatically. People who are sleep-deprived are more likely to have anxiety and depression, high blood sugar levels, and more.

At work, self-care is important for feeling both productive and fulfilled. When you practice effective self-care techniques at work, you feel happier – plus, you prevent burnout, which is on the rise in every field.

10 self-care strategies for the office

As your employee resource program (ERP), we’re here to help you practice self-care even when you’re at work. Here are 10 unique self-care strategies you can use in the office, including both at your desk and on breaks.

Take lunches outside

Spending time in nature, especially on sunny days, has been shown to give a boost to your mood and your overall mental health. When the weather permits, take your lunch breaks outside and bask in the sunshine – just make sure you use sunscreen! If you have a park near your office, that’s even better.

Get a standing or walking desk

Many office jobs are sedentary, and living a sedentary lifestyle leads to negative health consequences. Stay moving by getting a standing desk and/or walking pad. This can help you keep your body moving and may even boost your productivity levels as well.

Connect with your colleagues

Having a strong social support system is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. If you feel safe doing so, spend some time socializing with your coworkers. It may interrupt productive time in the moment, but in the long run, it can prevent burnout and help you feel more supported at work.

Declutter your desk

A cluttered workspace has been linked with higher levels of stress and decreased productivity. Take some time to declutter your workspace. While you’re at it, consider decorating it in a way that makes you feel calm and happy. For example, you might add some plants, words that inspire you, or photos of loved ones.

Think about ergonomics

Sitting at a desk all day can cause problems with posture, especially when your desk setup is uncomfortable. Consider investing in an ergonomic workstation that helps maintain your physical health and prevent musculoskeletal problems. Some workplaces will even help cover the cost of ergonomic office equipment – you can talk to your supervisor or HR department for more information.l

Take a few mindful breaths

Mindfulness is an ancient practice that helps you be more present in your everyday life. It’s been shown to reduce stress as well as symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. The best part is that you can practice mindfulness anytime, anywhere – you don’t need to sit on a meditation cushion for long periods of time.

Remind yourself to take just a few mindful breaths in and out periodically throughout the day. Inhale and exhale slowly, noticing how the air feels moving in and out of your nostrils. You might find it makes a bigger difference than expected.

Set personal goals

Goal-setting is an important part of maintaining your mental health and preventing burnout. On top of the goals that you’ve set with your supervisor, consider setting personal goals as well. What are your most important values in life, and how can you change the way you work so that you live more in alignment with them?

For example, perhaps one of your core values is kindness – can you work towards doing more random acts of kindness for your colleagues? Living in alignment with your values can help you feel more fulfilled at work, which leads to improved mental health.

Stay hydrated

Even though most of us are aware of the importance of hydration, reports show that 3 in 4 Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to physical health effects as well as cognitive effects like lack of focus, fatigue, brain fog, and burnout. Make sure you’re staying sufficiently hydrated at work. It can help to have a large water bottle on your desk – if that doesn’t work, set a timer to remind you to get a glass of water every hour.

Put on some music

Research shows that listening to music can have positive mental health effects, and can even release neurotransmitters that reduce stress. Consider putting on some music while you work, even if you need to use headphones. Different types of music can evoke different emotional responses, so choose wisely – consider whether you want to feel relaxed, energized, or focused. Music can be an effective and free self-care technique when used in the right way.

Have boundaries

Lastly, protect your internal peace by setting strong boundaries at work. Different boundaries work for different people, but it’s important to notice what makes you feel overwhelmed and burnt out, and implement boundaries that protect you from those things. For example, maybe you consistently get asked to complete tasks that are outside of your job description, or you get calls and emails long after the work day is done.

Set clear boundaries and communicate them to your supervisor and colleagues. This can go a long way toward helping you prevent burnout and improving overall mental health.

Connect with your EAP

As your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, we’re here to support you in finding practical ways to prioritize your well-being, even amidst the demands of the workplace. We offer 24/7 free and confidential counseling for all of our members. Taking advantage of this service can be a great way to practice self-care both at work and at home.

Connect with us today!


To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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BIPOC Mental Health Month: What to Know and How to Help Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:00:31 +0000 Every July marks BIPOC Mental Health Month, a time to focus on the unique challenges and experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color when it comes to mental well-being. While mental health awareness is crucial year-round, BIPOC communities face additional hurdles in terms of their mental health, from racial trauma to limited access to [...]

The post BIPOC Mental Health Month: What to Know and How to Help appeared first on MINES and Associates.

Every July marks BIPOC Mental Health Month, a time to focus on the unique challenges and experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color when it comes to mental well-being.

While mental health awareness is crucial year-round, BIPOC communities face additional hurdles in terms of their mental health, from racial trauma to limited access to culturally competent treatment. By openly discussing BIPOC mental health, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment where everyone feels comfortable bringing their whole selves to work.

In today’s important blog, we explore BIPOC mental health and offer actionable steps your organization can take to support BIPOC employees.

Why is it important to talk about BIPOC mental health?

We celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month in May. Some may ask, “Why do we need to celebrate BIPOC Mental Health Month separately when we’ve just had an entire month dedicated to mental health?”

But it’s important to understand that BIPOC — an acronym that includes Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color — faces unique challenges when it comes to mental health. Although, of course, BIPOC are included when we talk about general mental health awareness in May, it’s also important to highlight the unique experiences that affect BIPOC mental health (and access to treatment) that do not affect white people equally.

In the workplace, it’s important to talk about mental health, and BIPOC mental health specifically, because mental health is something that affects every employee. Long gone are the days in which we were expected to keep work life and the rest of our lives — including mental health issues and racial identity — separate.

Managers now understand that to build a psychologically safe workplace, employees must feel free to bring their whole selves to work without fear of judgment. BIPOC have worked for so long in corporate cultures that required them to change themselves to be accepted. BIPOC employees may feel that mental health issues could further OSTRACIZE them.

By openly talking about and uplifting BIPOC mental health, both during July and throughout the year, you make it clear that BIPOC employees are accepted and welcome in your organization just as they are.

Issues and challenges that affect BIPOC mental health

Mental illness doesn’t discriminate, but unfortunately, we’ve seen that the mental health system – just like every system – does. BIPOC face unique challenges in their daily lives that affect their mental health. In addition, BIPOC experience barriers to mental health treatment that make it more difficult for them to get the help they need and deserve.

Here are some of the unique barriers and challenges that many BIPOC face in terms of mental health.

Racial trauma

BIPOC continues to experience the effects of racial trauma, historical and current. Not only do many BIPOC, including Native/Indigenous Americans and descendants of enslaved people, experience the far-reaching effects of generational trauma — but they also continue to be the target of racial harassment, microaggressions, and institutional racism.

Research shows that this racial trauma has led to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in many affected BIPOC. PTSD can heighten the risk of other mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

Cultural mistrust and lack of culturally appropriate providers

As of 2019, 70% of U.S. social workers, and nearly 90% of mental health counselors, were white (according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). This matters because many BIPOC have a mistrust of the U.S. medical system, and white practitioners in particular – a mistrust that, unfortunately, has been well-earned throughout history.

Language is also a barrier for BIPOC who have immigrated from other countries. Mental health providers who speak languages other than English are scarce. Research shows that limited English proficiency predicts significantly fewer mental health treatment visits.

Therapists, at large, are working toward improving cultural competence and humility, and increased cultural understanding between therapists and their clients has been linked to better treatment engagement. But until the psychological workforce becomes more diverse, this mistrust is unlikely to go away completely.

Lack of insurance

In the United States, a lack of health insurance is also a significant barrier to mental health treatment access for BIPOC. Nearly 20% of Hispanic people, and over 10% of Black people, are uninsured, compared with around 6% of whites. This is likely due to multiple complex factors, including economic disparities.

Without health insurance, BIPOC individuals often don’t have a way of covering the cost of mental health treatment services.

How your organization can support BIPOC mental health & employees

Your organization can take significant actions to help support BIPOC mental health and improve treatment access. Reports show that most individuals access mental health treatment through their jobs. In addition, satisfaction and happiness at work can significantly affect mental health for all employees.

Here’s how to support BIPOC mental health in your organization, not only during July but throughout the year.

Raise awareness

Having open and honest conversations about mental health is one of the cornerstones of creating a supportive and psychologically safe workplace. BIPOC Mental Health Month can serve as a starting point for ongoing discussions throughout the year.

Organize workshops or invite guest speakers to address the specific challenges faced by BIPOC communities. By integrating mental health awareness campaigns and resources into your company culture, you can normalize seeking help and reduce mental health stigma.

Review DEI policies

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies are crucial for building a workplace that embraces BIPOC employees. Review your existing DEI policies with a focus on mental health. Do they include provisions for reasonable accommodations for mental health needs?

Good DEI policies and practices are also important to ensure that BIPOC employees feel emotionally safe at your company. Consider trainings, including unconscious bias training and anti-racism trainings, to ensure managers understand how microaggressions can impact BIPOC’s mental well-being.

Build and encourage employee resource groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) provide a valuable support system for BIPOC employees. These groups can offer a space for shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

Encourage the creation of BIPOC-focused ERGs, or support existing ones through funding and resources. Having a strong support system at work can help BIPOC employees feel safer and mentally well.

Ensure good mental health benefits

Helpful and accessible mental health benefits are essential for supporting BIPOC mental health as well as the mental health of all employees.

Review your current health insurance plan to ensure it provides adequate coverage for mental health services. Consider offering options with lower deductibles or copays for mental health treatment. Including Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) is also important. EAPs offer confidential counseling and resources, and can play a key role in helping BIPOC employees find culturally competent care and navigate the complexities of the healthcare system.

MINES offers a comprehensive workplace mental health solution that provides culturally competent care for all of your employees.


To your wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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How to Celebrate Juneteenth at Work: 25 Meaningful Ideas Tue, 18 Jun 2024 09:00:21 +0000 Juneteenth, celebrated annually on June 19th, is an important date that commemorates the end of the enslavement of Black people in the United States. While the famous “Emancipation Proclamation” made the enslavement of human beings illegal in 1863, it wasn’t until over two years later — on June 19, 1865 — that every enslaved person [...]

The post How to Celebrate Juneteenth at Work: 25 Meaningful Ideas appeared first on MINES and Associates.

Juneteenth, celebrated annually on June 19th, is an important date that commemorates the end of the enslavement of Black people in the United States. While the famous “Emancipation Proclamation” made the enslavement of human beings illegal in 1863, it wasn’t until over two years later — on June 19, 1865 — that every enslaved person was told about this.

Commemorating Juneteenth in your workplace can be an opportunity to reflect on your company’s DEI practices and the relationship you have with Black employees and community members. However, it’s important to celebrate Juneteenth in ways that are actually meaningful, not just to recognize the day on a surface level.

Today, we offer 25 meaningful ways to celebrate Juneteenth in your workplace.

Why is it important to recognize Juneteenth at work?

Just like commemorating Veteran’s Day honors those who have served in the military, Juneteenth is an important day that honors the Black American community and the essential contributions they have made to this country. We undoubtedly have a long way to go, but the recognition of Juneteenth as a national holiday is one important step toward spreading awareness about Black history and the Black American experience.

When you recognize Juneteenth at work, it’s a way to take a clear stand. You are telling your employees, as well as the general public, that your organization supports Black American rights and that you stand in solidarity with the Black community.

Although this support and solidarity should never stay confined to special days like Juneteenth — there are ways to proudly stand for Black rights and uplift Black employees all year long — June 19th is one opportunity, of many, to reflect on your organization’s practices and ensure Black employees are treated equally.

25 ideas on how to celebrate Juneteenth at work

Here are 25 ideas on how to celebrate Juneteenth at work in a meaningful way. Some ideas are geared toward workplace leaders (to celebrate with the whole staff), while others are meaningful ways you can celebrate within your team or even by yourself.

Which ones will your organization implement this Juneteenth?

1. Give employees the day off

Just like employees are given the day off on other important holidays, consider making Juneteenth an organization-wide holiday if you haven’t already.

2. Review your DEI policies

To truly uplift your Black employees and colleagues, there needs to be structural change. Review DEI policies and practices to ensure that Black staff are getting equal opportunities.

3. Offer anti-racism training

Juneteenth can be an opportunity for solemn reflection on how much work there is left to do to truly achieve racial equity. Take the time to work toward this goal by offering anti-racism training to staff.

4. Support Black-owned businesses

Support local Black-owned businesses; for example, you can ask a Black-owned restaurant to cater an employee lunch or order employee gifts from a Black-owned shop.

5. Host a Juneteenth speaker series

Invite Black speakers to host workshops about different topics that affect the Black community. Just make sure to pay all speakers well for their time and labor!

6. Offer leadership development for Black employees

Black employees often don’t get the same opportunities for promotions and upward movements as their white counterparts. Ensure that your Black employees have access to leadership and professional development opportunities.

7. Create a Black Employee Resource Group (ERG)

If you don’t have one already, create an ERG for Black employees. Research shows that ERGs help employees feel a stronger sense of belonging at work.

8. Partner with a Historically Black College or University (HBCU)

Partner with a local HBCU to provide scholarships, internships, or continued education opportunities for staff.

9. Show a film

Host a screening of a documentary or film that teaches staff about Juneteenth or other issues that affect the Black community today.

10. Create an online learning portal

Offer education and resources about Juneteenth and Black History by creating an online learning portal that employees can access.

11. Incentivize self-reflection

Provide incentives for engaging with Juneteenth, such as incentivizing non-Black employees to self-reflect on their privilege or implicit biases.

12. Start a book club

Start a book club, and invite members to read one book by a Black author each month.

13. Partner with local organizations

Partner with local organizations that serve the Black community for giving opportunities, including corporate donations.

14. Highlight Black artists and musicians

Celebrate Black art and music history by creating and sharing playlists of songs by Black artists.

15. Create Black mentorship programs

Pair Black senior employees and leaders with newer staff to create mentorship opportunities for Black employees. This can help make it more likely for Black employees to gain access to upward mobility at work.

16. Implement accountability measures

Creating DEI policies is a good start, but it’s not enough. Implement measures to help you stay accountable to these policies.

17. Conduct an anonymous survey

Anonymous surveys can be a psychologically safe way for Black employees to offer feedback about your organization’s DEI practices and how supported they feel as a Black person in your company.

18. Juneteenth reflection prompts

Share daily reflection prompts about racial identity and privilege for employees to answer and discuss in team meetings or by themselves.

19. Invite staff to local museums

If your city has a museum or cultural center focused on Black history, purchase entry tickets for employees so they can visit and learn.

20. Create a Black scholarship fund

Establish a scholarship fund to support Black students pursuing higher education. Match employee donations to the fund.

21. Ensure culturally relevant mental health support for Black employees

Ensure your EAP (and any other mental health benefits) offers resources and support tailored to the needs of Black employees.

22. Partner with a Black leadership organization

Collaborate with a Black leadership organization to develop internship or job shadowing opportunities for Black students.

23. Start a Juneteenth committee

Encourage employees to form a Juneteenth committee to plan future celebrations and advocate for racial equity initiatives within the company. Employees should always be paid for their time, including overtime pay.

24. Publish a DEI report

Develop a company-wide report outlining diversity and inclusion goals, progress made, and the steps that you have yet to take.

25. Promote Juneteenth on social media

Use your company’s social media platforms to increase awareness, share educational content, and celebrate Juneteenth.

We hope that this list has given you some ideas of how you can meaningfully celebrate this important day at work.

Happy Juneteenth!


In solidarity (and to your wellbeing),

The MINES Team

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Happy Pride Month! Here’s Why Celebrating Matters at Work Mon, 03 Jun 2024 09:00:59 +0000 Every June, LGBTQ2SIA+ communities come together to celebrate Pride Month. But why does celebrating Pride matter in the workplace? It's more than just colorful decorations and festive treats. Here at MINES, we believe that authentically honoring Pride goes beyond words – it's about taking concrete steps to foster inclusion and support for LGBTQ2SIA+ employees. In [...]

The post Happy Pride Month! Here’s Why Celebrating Matters at Work appeared first on MINES and Associates.

Every June, LGBTQ2SIA+ communities come together to celebrate Pride Month. But why does celebrating Pride matter in the workplace? It’s more than just colorful decorations and festive treats. Here at MINES, we believe that authentically honoring Pride goes beyond words – it’s about taking concrete steps to foster inclusion and support for LGBTQ2SIA+ employees.

In today’s blog, we talk about the impact that talking about these issues openly can have in your organization and beyond.

Here are 5 reasons why celebrating and honoring Pride Month at work matters, and the benefits of doing so.

It demonstrates inclusivity with action, not just talk

The most important reason why celebrating Pride Month at work matters is that it builds workplace inclusivity. Most organizations claim to value diversity, inclusion, and belonging in their workplace — but it’s important to make sure that you’re demonstrating these values through tangible action.

When you celebrate Pride, you loudly and visibly uplift your LGBTQ+ employees. You go from just stating that you value inclusivity to actually showing it to the people who are affected by these issues.

It also sends the message to all employees, not only those in the LGBTQ+ community, that you are committed to building an inclusive workplace. This lets all employees know that homophobia, racism, and other types of discrimination are not tolerated and that every person will be valued regardless of their identity.

It builds safety

Building a psychologically safe workplace is a top concern for most workplace leaders. A psychologically safe workplace is one in which people from all backgrounds and identities feel comfortable taking risks, sharing ideas, and admitting mistakes without fear of negative consequences or humiliation.

In a psychologically safe environment, employees are more likely to feel free to be their complete and authentic selves. It’s about fostering a space where everyone feels valued and respected for their unique contributions, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other aspect of their identity.

By celebrating Pride Month at work, you can help employees in the LGBTQ2SIA+ community feel like they can be their full selves. They don’t need to separate or compartmentalize their gender or sexual identity from who they are at work — they will be celebrated and appreciated for every part of who they are.

It is an opportunity for education

For employees who are not members of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community, Pride Month can serve as an opportunity for education. Learning about the history of Pride, the important contributions of LGBTQ people, and the injustices that the community continues to face today may help lower hateful attitudes and discrimination. Research has shown that education can significantly lower homophobia.

Consider inviting LGBTQ2SIA+ speakers to deliver workshops for employees on different issues that affect the community. You can also host a book club, watch documentaries together, or incentivize employees to attend Pride and educational events outside of the workplace.

Some organizations invite LGBTQ+ employees to work on projects that help educate the rest of the staff. But remember, any participation in these types of projects should never be obligatory and should always be compensated fairly.

It normalizes acceptance

By celebrating Pride Month, you set a standard of acceptance for the rest of the year. It sets the expectation that you are a safe workplace that does not condone bullying and that your organization strives to be an ally to the LGBTQ2SIA+ community. Opening conversations about identity and diversity becomes normalized, and people feel safer to do so even after Pride Month is over.

Just as importantly as normalizing acceptance within your own organization, celebrating Pride Month can set a better standard for other organizations as well. When other organizations see you speaking or posting publicly about Pride Month and LGBTQ+ rights, they may feel more motivated to do the same. Your organization can be a leader in acceptance and inclusivity and set a good example.

It is a chance to connect with the local community

Lastly, celebrating Pride Month can be an opportunity to connect with your local LGBTQ+ community. Most metropolitan areas have community LGBTQ+ centers or activism groups. Many hold local Pride celebrations, including marches, parades, and other events.

Incentivize your employees to attend these events and connect to their local LGBTQ+ community. You might even consider inviting some local community members to come and speak with your team members. In this way, you can build stronger ties with the local community where your organization is located and form an allyship with LGBTQS2IA+ people in your area.

How to celebrate Pride Month in the workplace

There are so many ways to celebrate Pride Month in your workplace. Avoid “rainbow-washing”, or performative gestures that lack meaning and impact (such as putting up a poster or changing your profile picture). It’s important that the ways in which your organization chooses to commemorate Pride Month are reflective of your genuine commitment to the rights of this community.

Our 2023 Pride Month blog post is full of ideas on how your organization can celebrate Pride Month in a meaningful way.

Some ideas include:

  • Hosting an educational book club
  • Inviting educational speakers
  • Review your DEI policies
  • Attend Pride celebrations together
  • Donating or volunteering for the cause

Get LGBTQ+ affirmative counseling through your employee assistance program

MINES is dedicated to providing free and confidential LGBTQ+ affirmative during Pride Month and beyond. You can access your EAP counseling program 24/7 and speak with a licensed therapist at any time. In addition, we offer training options to help leaders become more inclusive.

Happy Pride Month from all of us here on the MINES team. Why does your organization celebrate Pride? Let us know in the comments.

To your wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The post Happy Pride Month! Here’s Why Celebrating Matters at Work appeared first on MINES and Associates.

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World No-Tobacco Day: 3 Reasons to Quit Today Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:24 +0000 Today is World No-Tobacco Day, the perfect time to embark on your journey to quit smoking! Here are three compelling reasons to start today: 1. Save a Ton of Money Imagine watching your savings grow as you ditch the smoking habit. The cost of cigarettes adds up quickly, and by quitting, you can redirect that [...]

The post World No-Tobacco Day: 3 Reasons to Quit Today appeared first on MINES and Associates.

Today is World No-Tobacco Day, the perfect time to embark on your journey to quit smoking! Here are three compelling reasons to start today:

1. Save a Ton of Money

Imagine watching your savings grow as you ditch the smoking habit. The cost of cigarettes adds up quickly, and by quitting, you can redirect that money towards something more meaningful—whether it’s a dream vacation, a new hobby, or simply a healthier bank balance.

2. Live Longer

Quitting smoking can significantly increase your lifespan, giving you more years to create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Enjoy more birthdays, holidays, and everyday moments with the people who matter most.

3. Feel Incredible

Boost your self-esteem and feel fantastic about yourself. Quitting smoking can improve your physical health, enhance your sense of well-being, and give you the confidence to take on new challenges.

Let’s Get Started on This Exciting Journey Together

If you’re unsure how to start, MINES is here to guide you every step of the way. One powerful tool we recommend is MindCotine, your quit-smoking companion available through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

MindCotine: Your Quit-Smoking Companion

  • Access Quitting Help Anytime, Day or Night: The MindCotine app provides 24/7 access to resources like progress tracking, expert advice, and coping strategies. Quitting smoking is easier with support.
  • Real Support from Real People: MindCotine offers personalized coaching to support your journey. From overcoming challenges to celebrating milestones, we are here for you every step of the way. Let’s create a plan together for a smoke-free life.
  • Quit with the Power of Virtual Reality: Ready to quit and transform your life? MindCotine’s program uses virtual reality to make your journey fun and effective. Imagine stepping into a world where you can see your progress, practice stress relief techniques, and stay motivated—all without leaving your home.

Take advantage of World No-Tobacco Day and make the decision to quit smoking today. With the right tools and support, you can achieve a healthier, happier, and smoke-free life. Let’s embark on this journey together and make today count! Contact MINES today to learn more.

To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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Move for Your Mind Mon, 20 May 2024 09:00:27 +0000 This guest article was provided by MINES Affiliate trainer Michelle Zellner. Michelle is the founder/owner of BetterBeings and is a Keynote Speaker, Corporate Wellbeing Trainer, Author, Health and Happiness Strategist, Creator of the YOU Revolution, and Host of the Be a Better Being Podcast. May is Mental Health Awareness AND Sports and Physical Activity Month. [...]

The post Move for Your Mind appeared first on MINES and Associates.

This guest article was provided by MINES Affiliate trainer Michelle Zellner. Michelle is the founder/owner of BetterBeings and is a Keynote Speaker, Corporate Wellbeing Trainer, Author, Health and Happiness Strategist, Creator of the YOU Revolution, and Host of the Be a Better Being Podcast.

May is Mental Health Awareness AND Sports and Physical Activity Month. How appropriate that the two are celebrated together as movement is one of the most effective tools for supporting and enhancing mental wellbeing. What’s truly incredible is, that no matter what you do, your brain will benefit. Come along as I show you all the ways you can move for your mind.

1. Cardio Exercise

The brain needs oxygen and nutrition to develop and perform at an optimal level. Elevating heart rate is a great way to increase blood flow, delivering an abundance of valuable resources. The endorphins released act as natural pain relievers and promote a sense of calm. An influx of dopamine and serotonin helps regulate mood and you will likely experience enhanced overall emotional well-being and feel more capable of handling life’s challenges.

Walk, wiggle, jog, jump, hike, bike, scramble or skip—proceed with your preference. As long as the heart rate is elevated your noggin will be nourished!

2. Strength Training

Do you struggle to lift or carry things and worry that you will injure yourself? Do you dread a particular activity because it is physically difficult? Are you missing out on adventure because you don’t have the strength to accomplish or enjoy it?

From daily tasks to life experiences, our confidence and capabilities are perpetually impacting our mental and emotional well-being. Physical strength opens up a world of possibilities to lead a full and fulfilling life.

The work to become physically strong also offers mental health benefits. Each time you choose to challenge your muscles, you are proving you can do hard things. The discipline of consistency is a trait that governs the path to success in all areas of life. The pride you develop builds confidence and self-esteem.

Life is easier and more enjoyable when you are strong. Lift some heavy things and watch yourself flourish.

3. Yoga

The mental health benefits of this mind-body practice have been touted for decades. In addition to resetting the nervous system from high alert to peaceful calm, the brain training going on is literally changing your mind. Each time your thoughts drift off the mat, you gently coax your attention back, building the skill to redirect your focus. As you manage a full schedule of daily to-dos a wandering mind is often not helpful. Your awareness and the ability to be present is not only useful for productivity (which makes us feel good) but shifting out of the past or future also squashes a cortisol release.

Find a class or scout out a video, bring your mind to the mat, and soothe your soul. Devote to the practice and see yourself soar.

4. Choreographed Activities

Tai-Chi, dance routines, martial arts—any activity that requires instruction, memory, and multi-system coordination offers a well-rounded brain boost. The struggle of the steps leads to joy in mastering the moves. You can find yourself in flow with the repetition of rhythmic patterns. Depending on the activity, you will be energized or relaxed.

Don’t be afraid to try something new. Practice patience and practice until perfect. You’ll start to see yourself differently, and I bet you’ll like it.

5. Organized Sports

Sports, whether team or individual, offers so many opportunities to support mental health. Facing and overcoming challenges are embedded in the nature of every sport. Problem-solving, determination, and perseverance are tested and tackled, building foundational skills that translate off the field, court, mat, etc.

Team sports, as well as other group activities, offer a shared experience that bonds the participants. Working as a unit toward a common goal presents opportunities to give and receive support and whether celebrating or commiserating, the social connection is crucial for mental well-being.

Find a league, join a club, or gather a group. Camaraderie and competition are ingrained in our DNA. Feed this need and you’ll be good as gold.

Connecting these dots, it’s clear why movement is magical for your mind. Perhaps the most obvious and simplest explanation of all—you generally feel good when you know you’ve done something good! With the variety of options available, you can customize a prescription to suit your needs.

Work off some stress with a high-intensity activity. If you are looking to bring peace and calm into your life, opt for a slower-paced, mindful practice. Join others for the social support, or go solo for some “you time.” Do any of the above while out in nature for an additional mental health boost.

There is no denying a daily dose of exercise will make you healthy, happy, and wise!

Do yourself a favor and get your move on!

To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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Mental Health Awareness Month: How Far We’ve Come and How Far We Have Left to Go Wed, 01 May 2024 15:48:35 +0000 Happy Mental Health Awareness Month 2024! Conversations around mental health have thankfully become more open in recent years. While this progress is significant, many people are still hesitant to seek help due to stigma and a lack of awareness. Today, we’ll dig into how mental health awareness has progressed in recent years, what still needs [...]

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Happy Mental Health Awareness Month 2024! Conversations around mental health have thankfully become more open in recent years. While this progress is significant, many people are still hesitant to seek help due to stigma and a lack of awareness.

Today, we’ll dig into how mental health awareness has progressed in recent years, what still needs to change, and how we can all do our part.

Mental health awareness is growing

One important trend worth celebrating this month is how far we’ve come in terms of mental health awareness. In decades past, people with mental health issues were treated as social rejects. People generally didn’t talk openly about mental health. Mental illness was associated with negative character traits like laziness, dangerousness, and violence.

This had very real consequences for people with mental illness. Not only were they ostracized from society, facing severe discrimination in areas like employment and housing, but the “treatment” they received was often inhumane.

Although stigma against mental health issues still widely exists across cultures, we’ve come a long way. Newer generations are talking openly and publicly about their mental health struggles. We have a better understanding that mental health comes on a spectrum; just like physical health, mental health is something that affects every one of us, regardless of whether we live with a mental illness.

The public is now more accepting of mental health concerns, especially common ones like depression and anxiety. However, research shows that the public stigma against severe and persistent mental illness (like schizophrenia) isn’t improving, and may even be getting worse.

We still have a long way to go, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

More people are diagnosed with mental health disorders

Another big change that’s happened over the decades is that the rates of diagnosed mental illness are growing. For example, nearly 30% of Americans live with depression today – around 10 percentage points higher than the number of people with depression in 2015.

On the surface, this is a negative trend. Experts attribute the increase in rates of mental illness to factors like social isolation and loneliness, increased stress, and new technologies like social media and smartphones.

But when we look deeper, there may be some positive aspects of this trend as well. People who were previously not seeking a diagnosis or support may now feel safe enough to do so. In addition, increased awareness of what mental illness can look like – and that you can live with mental health problems like depression and anxiety even if you function well in daily life – could help people realize that they may need support.

More people are getting mental health support

A larger percentage of people have also received mental health treatment in recent years. A 2022 CDC report found that over 23% of adults aged 18 to 44 received mental health care in 2021 compared with around 18% in 2019.

This increase is also not a black-and-white issue. While it’s positive that more people are receiving support, the rise in numbers could also be indicative of the fact that more people are getting diagnosed with mental illness.

In addition, there is still a large unmet need when it comes to mental health treatment access in America. According to Mental Health America’s 2023 Mental Health in America report, over half of U.S. adults with a mental illness receive no treatment – that’s around 28 million individuals. The most common reason for not receiving treatment was not being able to afford it, followed by not knowing where to get services.

These numbers tell us that, despite decreasing stigma against mental health problems, too many people still don’t have adequate access to care.

More effective mental health treatments are available

Lastly, scientific research has provided us with innovative treatment methods that are much more effective, especially compared to the treatments that were available (like Freudian psychoanalysis) in the initial days of psychotherapy.

Effective mental health treatments include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which has been around since the 1960s, and the therapy methods (like exposure and response prevention and acceptance and commitment therapy) that use CBT concepts
  • Brain stimulation techniques, like TMS therapy
  • Person-centered therapy, which treats patients as worthy human beings rather than “sick patients”
  • Effective psychiatric medications

Many of these treatment methods are also time-effective, meaning that they start working in a shorter amount of time. Thanks to these treatment methods available today, many people who live with mental illness are able to start feeling better within months.

How to increase mental health awareness

As a society, we’ve had many improvements in terms of mental health awareness. Despite this, mental health stigma is still widespread, and too many people don’t have access to the treatment they need. This Mental Health Awareness Month, here are some simple things that you can do to help further the conversation:

  • Educate yourself and others: Take some time to learn about common mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Understand the signs and symptoms so you can recognize them in yourself or others. There are many reputable online resources and organizations that offer free educational materials, including Mental Health America and the MINES website.
  • Listen without judgment: When someone chooses to confide in you about their mental health struggles, practice active listening. Give them your full attention and avoid interrupting or offering unsolicited advice. Instead, focus on validating their feelings and showing empathy.
  • Challenge stigma: Negative stereotypes and misinformation about mental health can be incredibly harmful. If you hear someone making insensitive remarks, politely correct them with accurate information. When opportunities arise, open conversations about mental health to normalize seeking help.
  • Promote self-care: Encourage healthy habits that contribute to overall well-being. Mental health is about more than the absence of mental illness! This could include getting enough sleep (7-8 hours per night for adults), eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga can also be helpful.
  • Lead by example: Openly discussing your own mental health journey (if you feel comfortable) can be a powerful way to break down stigma. Talking about your own experiences with self-care and prioritizing your well-being can inspire others to do the same. It’s important to remember to set healthy boundaries when discussing personal matters.
  • Get mental health support: One reason people don’t get the treatment they need is because they don’t know where to find it. Learn how you can get access to mental health treatment if and when you need it. Going through your workplace’s employee assistance program (EAP) can be a great first step to receiving counseling and referrals to long-term resources. MINES & Associates offers free 24/7 confidential counseling for all of our members!

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!

To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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Alcohol Awareness Month: How to Recognize the Signs and Get the Support You Need Tue, 16 Apr 2024 09:00:44 +0000 April is Alcohol Awareness Month when we solemnly recognize the impacts of alcohol abuse on society, workplaces, families, and individuals. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, over 10% of people over the age of 12 faced an alcohol problem in the past year. This means that if you don’t live with [...]

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April is Alcohol Awareness Month when we solemnly recognize the impacts of alcohol abuse on society, workplaces, families, and individuals. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, over 10% of people over the age of 12 faced an alcohol problem in the past year. This means that if you don’t live with alcohol addiction, it’s likely that someone in your family, community, or workplace does.

Alcohol abuse continues to be misunderstood as a moral failure or character flaw, when in reality it is a brain disease that causes painful symptoms for the person affected and their loved ones. By raising awareness about alcohol abuse, we can help others be more likely to catch the signs and seek support when it’s needed.

What are the physical and psychological signs of alcohol addiction?

Alcohol is in a unique position compared with other addictive substances because using it, at least to some extent, is so normalized in our society. Many people who use illicit (“hard”) drugs are at least partially aware that they may have a problem with addiction, but most people who drink alcohol are not addicted.

When someone has an addiction to alcohol, they may be diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. In everyday terms, this disorder is sometimes called “alcoholism.”

It’s important to be aware of the warning signs of alcohol addiction so that you can be ready to seek, or offer, support for yourself or loved ones.

Alcohol use disorder can manifest both physically and psychologically.

Some psychological and behavioral signs of alcohol addiction include:

  • You crave and think about alcohol when you’re not drinking.
  • You find it difficult to control how much you drink.
  • You keep drinking even though it’s causing problems in your life.
  • Your mind is often preoccupied with thoughts of drinking.
  • You drink alone, or hide or lie about your drinking from others.
  • You neglect your responsibilities because of drinking.
  • Your relationships are strained due to your alcohol use, and your loved ones have told you that they’re concerned.
  • You’ve tried to quit or cut down on drinking but have been unsuccessful.
  • You experience mood swings or irritability when not drinking.
  • You experience legal issues related to your drinking, such as DUIs.
  • You engage in risky behaviors while intoxicated, such as driving under the influence or unprotected sex.
  • You experience physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating, or nausea when not drinking.
  • You prioritize drinking over other activities or hobbies.
  • You experience financial problems due to spending money on alcohol.
  • You feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking but continue to do so.
  • You experience changes in your appearance or hygiene due to alcohol use.
  • You find it hard to relax or have fun without alcohol.
  • You turn to drinking to cope with stress, anxiety, or depression.

Alcohol addiction, especially when it’s severe, can also have some physical effects. Physical signs of alcohol addiction may include:

  • You may notice changes in your appearance, like gaining or losing weight.
  • You might experience tremors or shakes, especially in the morning.
  • You notice you have a red or puffy face due to flushed or broken capillaries.
  • You might feel chronically fatigued or lethargic.
  • You could suffer from gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • You may experience liver-related symptoms like jaundice or abdominal pain.
  • You might have an increased tolerance to alcohol.
  • You could experience withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, or anxiety when not drinking.
  • Long-term effects on your body could include liver disease, pancreatitis, or cardiovascular problems.

Not everyone with an alcohol problem experiences these signs. Even if you don’t experience these things, that doesn’t necessarily mean you do not have alcohol use disorder. The only way to know for sure is to talk to a mental health provider or your primary care physician.

Signs of substance abuse at work

Even though things have changed in recent years, alcohol continues to play an important role in many workplaces (for example, employees may drink at holiday parties or during happy hour gatherings). This can make it difficult to be able to tell when an employee has an alcohol abuse problem and when their drinking is within “normal” limits.

Some signs that someone at work has alcohol use disorder include:

  • They’re frequently absent or tardy, especially when they didn’t used to have these problems.
  • Their job performance or productivity has noticeably declined.
  • You detect the smell of alcohol on their breath or notice other physical signs of intoxication.
  • They exhibit mood swings or changes in behavior, such as irritability or aggression.
  • They tend to isolate themselves from coworkers or avoid social interactions.
  • They make frequent trips to the restroom, possibly to hide drinking.
  • They seem to struggle with concentration or decision-making.
  • They experience financial difficulties or borrow money from coworkers.
  • Their appearance has changed, such as unkempt attire or poor hygiene.
  • They make excuses for their behavior or deny any alcohol-related issues when confronted.

How to get help for alcohol addiction

If you suspect that you or a loved one is experiencing a problem with alcohol, the importance of seeking professional treatment can’t be stressed enough. Alcohol use disorder is a brain disease that can get worse when left untreated.

Seeking support is nothing to be ashamed of. Again, alcohol abuse is not a moral failure and says nothing about your character. It is a serious health condition that affects over 10% of the population.

It’s normal for people with alcohol use disorder to be ambivalent about getting treatment. Part of you may want badly to stop your problem drinking, but you likely also have personal reasons why you drink, to begin with – it helps you in social situations, it helps you to sleep, and so on. This is normal, and treatment providers expect ambivalence. You do not have to be 100% sure to seek help. You only need to take the first step.

Ambivalence also means that you may experience pushback from your loved one. Although this can be incredibly painful, try to understand that it’s normal and a symptom of the way alcohol addiction affects the brain. Offer steady support without disrespecting their autonomy.

You can look for a treatment provider by calling the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Does my employee assistance program (EAP) cover substance abuse?

Your EAP is also a free resource at your disposal. The MINES & Associates EAP can offer you 24/7 free and confidential counseling and resource referral for alcohol use disorder. If your company is enrolled, then you just need to call (800) 873-7138 or use our digital intake form to get started.

To Your Well-Being,

The MINES Team

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Stress Awareness Month: How to Actually Become More Aware of Stress in Yourself and Others Mon, 01 Apr 2024 09:00:12 +0000 April is National Stress Awareness Month, and many organizations are having conversations about how to help their employees manage their stress levels. Although stress isn’t all bad all the time, chronic stress can be harmful to your health – so it’s important to learn how to keep stress levels low. While talking about managing stress [...]

The post Stress Awareness Month: How to Actually Become More Aware of Stress in Yourself and Others appeared first on MINES and Associates.

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and many organizations are having conversations about how to help their employees manage their stress levels. Although stress isn’t all bad all the time, chronic stress can be harmful to your health – so it’s important to learn how to keep stress levels low.

While talking about managing stress is important – we recently published an article on how to manage your stress response (like fight or flight) on the MINES blog – what people don’t talk about as often is true stress awareness.

While stress management is about how to deal with (and reduce) stress when it’s already an issue, stress awareness is about how to be more aware of stress to prevent it from rising to begin with.

How can we become more aware of what’s going on with our stress levels? How can we practice emotional self-awareness so that we’re able to identify the warning signs that let us know when our stress levels are getting out of hand? How can we be more conscious of the triggers that tend to cause high stress for us, so that we can be proactive about stress levels before they get too high?

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss this idea of stress awareness – not just stress management – and give you some ideas on how you can be more self-aware in this area of your life.

How does self-awareness help with stress?

Being self-aware of your emotions is an important life skill that has many benefits, including helping you deal with stress.

Practicing the skill of self-awareness means slowing down and noticing your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It’s about paying attention to how certain triggers make you feel both in your mind and your body, and closely examining what these feelings could mean about your stress levels and mental health.

Practicing self-awareness is the first step to managing stress. If you don’t practice self-awareness, then you may not notice that you’re under stress until you’re overwhelmed by it. By then, it may be very difficult to bring stress levels back down. Early detection is key when it comes to managing stress – when you’re able to notice early signs of stress, you can take quick action to prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed.

Some other benefits of self-awareness for stress include:

  1. Stronger coping skills: Self-awareness can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, which can help you develop effective coping skills to manage stress.
  2. Better decision-making: Being self-aware makes you more likely to make decisions that are in line with your values and priorities. This can help you avoid situations that might cause stress to begin with.
  3. Improved emotional regulation: Self-awareness can help you to identify your emotions, where they come from, and what you need to do to manage strong feelings.
  4. Increased resilience: Self-awareness can make you better able to bounce back from stressful situations.
  5. Improved relationships: Self-awareness can help you better understand your own needs and emotions, which can help you communicate more effectively with others. This can improve your relationships and reduce stress caused by misunderstandings. Having a strong social support network is also key in helping you manage stress and other life difficulties.

Ideally, practicing self-awareness can make it less likely for stress levels to become too high to begin with, which reduces the need to use stress management skills.

How can I be more aware of stress?

So how can you practice stress awareness – before you need to practice stress management?

Building self-awareness is a lifelong journey. For most of us, it’s a skill that grows with lots of practice over time. But it is a skill, not an inherent personality trait. That means that, just like with any other skill, everyone can foster self-awareness with practice and dedication.

Here are some tips you can use to help yourself and others become more aware of stress.

Identify your triggers

To be more aware of stress levels, it’s first important to understand what makes you feel this way. We call these things triggers or stressors. And they are different for each person.

For example, one person’s main stressors might be their job and their relationships. Another person might be stressed by finances, but find that their work and their marriage are things that bring peace to their life, not stress.

Reflect on your life and think about what areas of your life bring you the most stress. They may be unavoidable (for example, if your job is one of your main stressors), but it’s still helpful to understand when you’re most likely to be stressed so that you can take action to prepare.

Try to be as specific as possible when identifying your stressors. For example, it may not be work in general that causes you stress, but having to deal with a specific supervisor. You may not be generally stressed in your marriage, but feel stressed when your partner begins to talk to you about finances.

Keep a stress journal

Keeping a stress journal, where you write down stressful events and how they made you feel, can be a powerful tool in becoming more aware of your stress levels.

By recording your stress levels and triggers, you can start to identify patterns and gain insight into what might be causing your stress. Your stress journal can also serve as a space to reflect on how you responded to stress, as well as what coping strategies were effective for you.

Try to record your stress levels and triggers at least once a day, and be as specific as possible. What happened? How, exactly, did you feel? What did you do to try to manage the situation?

Figure out your “warning signs”

What are some of the signs that you’re under a lot of stress? Think in terms of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When you’re able to identify what stress looks and feels like for you, you may be more likely to be able to catch it and stop it from rising too high.

For example, many people have thoughts like, “I can’t do this,” “What am I going to do?”, “I hate ____ (my job, my partner, my life)” when their stress levels are rising. They might have emotions like anger, frustration, hopelessness, and guilt. They might notice behaviors like snapping at loved ones or overeating.

Take note of what stress looks like for you in terms of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These are your stress “warning signs.” When you notice these signs, it’s a red flag to stop and do something about your stress levels. This is an important first step in stress management.

Pay attention to physical cues

On top of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, there are probably also physical cues that let you know your stress levels are rising. The stress response is biological and comes along with many changes in your body that are supposed to help you deal with the immediate danger or stressor. Over time, these biological changes can start to cause other, more unpleasant effects in your body.

Pay attention to these physical cues of stress as well. For example, you might experience muscle tension or headaches. You might notice that your jaw is clenched or that your brow is furrowed. You might feel hungrier than usual, or you might lose your appetite completely.

Practice mindfulness

Although mindfulness meditation has its origins in Eastern spiritual practices, it’s now used as a secular health intervention for many conditions. One of the most well-known interventions that uses mindfulness is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR.

MBSR teaches people how to use mindfulness to become more aware of, and therefore reduce, their stress levels. Try doing a body scan, an easy mindfulness exercise taken from MBSR.

To practice the body scan, lie down on your back in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Starting at the top of your head, scan down through your body, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. As you focus on each body part, try to relax that area and let go of any tension. This exercise can help you become more aware of physical sensations in your body and manage stress.

If you’re having trouble coping with stress levels or would just like some extra support, MINES & Associates offers free and confidential counseling 24/7 to members of our Employee Assistance Program. Give us a call to learn more about your EAP benefits.

To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The post Stress Awareness Month: How to Actually Become More Aware of Stress in Yourself and Others appeared first on MINES and Associates.

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