Back-to-school season is upon us, and this can bring up a lot for both kids and adults. From excitement and anticipation to anxiety and sadness, the range of emotions can be overwhelming. Today, we’re offering practical tips and strategies to help you and your child(ren) thrive throughout this transition and go back to school happy and healthy.

Preparing your child for back-to-school: A mental health checklist

As parents, we often focus on the practical aspects of back-to-school: getting supplies ready, learning new schedules, and so forth. But for both parents and kids, the hardest part of returning to school is often coping with the change and its effects on mental health.

Change is hard for kids. That’s why predictability and routines are so highly emphasized by childhood development experts; when a child’s life is predictable, they feel safe. This doesn’t mean that transitions and changes can’t be navigated successfully – but you might have to make sure you’re supporting your child’s mental health throughout this process.

Here’s a checklist of some things you can do to help your child navigate the big change of “back-to-school” with courage and resilience.

  • Establish a routine: Start establishing a consistent routine a few weeks before school starts to make the change more gradual. This includes regular bedtimes, wake-up times, and meal times. A predictable routine can help your child feel more secure and reduce anxiety.
  • Discuss expectations: Talk to your child about what to expect when school starts. Discuss their new schedule, any changes in transportation, and what their daily routine will look like. Knowing what to expect can help reduce anxiety.
  • Encourage open communication: Create a safe space for your child to express their feelings about going back to school. Let them know it’s okay to feel nervous, excited, or even scared. Validate their feelings instead of minimizing them. For example, try to avoid saying things like, “It’ll be fine,” or “There’s nothing to worry about.”
  • Visit the school campus: If it’s possible, consider going with your child to visit the school before the first day. Show your child where their classroom is, the cafeteria, the bathrooms, etc. When your child is familiar with their environment, they may be less anxious.
  • Role-play scenarios: Role-play different school scenarios with your child, such as meeting new classmates, asking the teacher for help, or dealing with a difficult situation. This can help them feel more prepared and confident.
  • Create a worry jar: Encourage your child to write down their worries about school and put them in a ‘worry jar.’ Set aside a specific time each day to go through the worries together and come up with strategies to deal with them. This can help open
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Teach your child simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, or muscle relaxation strategies. These techniques can be used anywhere, even at their desk, and can be a good coping skill if they start to feel overwhelmed at school.
  • Focus on the positives: Without undermining your child’s anxiety or stress, try to help them focus on the positives of back-to-school. What are some things, however minor, that they’re excited about?
  • Create a visual schedule: Especially for younger children, create a visual schedule for the first few weeks of school can be helpful. Include activities, school hours, and any special events. This can help your child visualize their day and feel more in control.
  • Establish a calming bedtime routine: Getting enough restful sleep is essential to mental health. A calming bedtime routine can help your child unwind and get a good night’s sleep. Consider activities like reading a book, listening to soothing music, or practicing relaxation exercises.
  • Prepare a comfort item: If it’s okay with their teacher, allow your child to bring a small comfort item to school, such as a keychain, a small toy, or a family photo. This is sometimes called a transitional object, and can provide a sense of security and familiarity in a new environment. Transitional objects can also help with separation anxiety.
  • Monitor and adjust: Even if their first day back at school goes well, continue to regularly check in with your child to see how they’re coping with the transition. Be flexible and ready to adjust your approach based on their needs and feedback.

Tips for parents during back-to-school season

As hard as back-to-school season can be for kids, it can be just as challenging – if not more so – for parents. Back-to-school brings up a wide range of emotions, from relief (you’ll get some of your free time back!) to sadness and anxiety (you’ll miss having your child at home with you, and you’re nervous about how they’ll fare at school).

As a parent, it’s important to take care of yourself, too. While you go through the above mental health checklist to support your child at this time, make sure you’re also paying attention to how you feel and any support that you might need to cope well with this transition.

These tips for parents may help:

  • Allow all emotions to be present, even if they’re uncomfortable. It’s normal to feel a mix of relief, sadness, anxiety, and excitement as your child heads back to school. Accepting and acknowledging these emotions without judgment can help you process them more effectively and provide a healthy model for your child.
  • Let go of perfectionism – the first day of school will probably be chaotic; to keep your sanity, it may help to remember that this day doesn’t need to be “Pinterest-perfect.” Embrace the messiness and focus on what truly matters: your child’s well-being and happiness. A few forgotten items or a rushed breakfast won’t overshadow the love and support you provide.
  • Maintain a consistent routine for yourself to help manage stress and keep things predictable. Establishing regular self-care practices, such as exercise, meditation, or reading, can provide stability and help you stay grounded during this transitional period.
  • Communicate openly with your partner or other family members about how you’re feeling. Sharing your experiences and emotions can provide mutual support and help you feel less isolated. Working together as a team can make the back-to-school transition smoother for everyone involved.
  • Allow yourself to seek professional help if needed. Talking to a counselor can help you identify and manage painful feelings that may arise as your little one goes off to school. A therapist or counselor can also provide tools and strategies to cope with anxiety, sadness, or other challenging emotions, and ensure that you’re well-supported during this time.

Reaching out to your EAP can be a great way to get mental health support during this transition as well as other challenging times you might face. At MINES & Associates, we offer 24/7 free and confidential counseling for our members, as well as parenting coaching services to help you navigate the back-to-school season and all the other challenges of being a parent.

MINES is wishing you and your family a happy 24-25 school year!


To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team