We occasionally get really different requests from our clients to do something that wouldn’t normally fall under the scope of a traditional EAP. This is the story about the most recent example of how we partner with our clients to provide more to their employees.

Globus Family of Brands is a local client of ours. Each year, during the holiday season as a part of their “Community Commitment,” they select an organization in the Denver Metro area and adopt several families for the holidays. The generosity shown to these adopted families by Globus Family of Brands is overwhelming. The company pulls together to ensure that every item on these families’ wish lists is granted. This year, their Human Resources department came to us with an intriguing question as a part of this program, “Do we have employees that we work with every day that could benefit from the same support and how could we help them?”

They contacted us. Knowing how their employees felt about the confidentiality and support that we’ve provided to their employees over the years, they knew that their employees would feel comfortable working through the EAP to self-identify as being in need of such support. We were happy to oblige. We sent out a survey that came back to MINES requesting details around need, anonymized the list of those that fit the criteria, and sent a list of needs to Globus Family of Brands. Their response was overwhelming! We received all of the gifts at MINES’ corporate headquarters and contacted the identified Group Voyager families to let them know they could pick up these gifts for their families.

There are EAPs and then there are EAPs that really want to partner with your organization to make major impacts in the lives of the members you cover. MINES has long-struggled with the issue of explaining exactly what separates us from many other EAP programs. We’ve never been a “cheap” EAP. There are many reasons for this: we have a really high average utilization rate; we have our own organizational psychology division that can consult with management on a large range of issues; and we recruit and hire the best talent to make sure we can always execute on our promises. But there is another piece that we rarely talk about that we think really sets us apart from our competition: we really do want to do everything we can to help our clients help their employees, in whatever capacity that we can.

It is amazing and touching to us here at MINES that our clients are so concerned, so giving, with their employees that they would devise such a cool program and that they felt comfortable coming to us to help them make it happen. We applaud Globus Family of Brands for their excellent and generous outpouring of support for their co-workers! We hope that this story inspires the same generosity of spirit during the hectic holiday season. Regardless of beliefs, the season can be very inspiring!

Season’s Greetings!
The MINES Team