Provider 101 Series – Tutorials for common provider issues

Part 1: Provider Portal Overview

To enter or update your billing and direct deposit information please follow the steps outlined below.


For help with billing for sessions and understanding your authorizations please follow the steps outlined below.

If you are having trouble with your password, it may be because:

  1. Your application is still pending. Please call or email MINES Provider Relations to check the status.
  2. You tried to sign in using an incorrect email address. Please call or email MINES Provider Relations to confirm the email on file.
  3. You tried using an incorrect password. Please call or email MINES Provider Relations to reset your password.
For “Per Life Situation EAP Contracts”, you are able to request additional authorizations. In order for additional sessions to be authorized, you must submit a “request for an additional authorization” (which replaces our treatment plan) outlining the new life situation that has arisen and how it is separate and distinct from the previous Life Situation. For additional context and guidance around determining a new life situation please see our Additional Authorizations Decision Tree or review our Additional Authorization Requests Provider Handbook. To request additional authorizations please:

1. Log in to the provider portal using your username and password.

2. Go to the authorization of the person that is requesting additional sessions.

3. Click on the “Request New Authorization” button. **Please note that you will need to fill out the ICD- 10 code on the original authorization in order to request additional sessions** Please click here for further detail about requesting additional sessions.

4. Fill in the information on the screen and select “Submit.”

After we receive your request on the Provider Portal, MINES Case Management will review the document and authorize or deny sessions as appropriate.

If you need to add additional providers to your profile please follow the steps outlined below.

If you need to sign additional contracts, please follow the steps outlined below.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please email MINES Provider Relations and we will be happy to help.