Bear Tales

Many companies host Benefit & Health Fairs in the late fall & early winter.  This is an opportunity for employees to meet with the benefit providers, ask questions, and learn about services that are available to them.  It is also an opportunity for your EAP Account Managers to hear what is working well, what needs improvement, or what changes or additions to your EAP programs would be most appreciated.   As employees (and sometimes the families as well) wind their way through the tables manned by benefit providers and companies offering services we like to have something to draw people to the EAP table.  MINES has long used the “Really Big Bear” as a raffle to pull people to our display.   It is not unusual to have the winner re-gift this prize to another person or enterprise.  We have heard of the “Really Big Bear” finding a home in child care centers at churches and community centers, in offices where burdened or distressed employees are seeking direction or comfort, with Grandchildren, and with Toys for Tots.

Below is the “rest of the story” for the South Suburban Parks and Recreation bear given away last fall.  The generosity displayed and the culture of caring promoted by the act make a heartwarming story.

Peggy Hill
Account Manager

Lola, who has fully recovered, at home with her “Really Big Bear”

“On November 12 , I went to Buck Recreation Center for our annual Health and Benefits Fair with South Suburban Parks and Recreation. While I was there I visited the various tables set up with information and freebies. I only filled out 2 cards for drawings. One was with MINES and Associates. Since I am one of those people who never win anything, imagine my surprise when my name was drawn for the big, beautiful, soft brown teddy bear. During this time one of our manager’s  2 year old daughter, Lola, was in the hospital severly ill after being exposed to E. Coli.  Even though I knew the bear would be larger than her, I knew I wanted to give it to her. James gave us updates on Lola’s condition through Facebook so we knew what was going on. He came in one day to attend a meeting and I told him I would like to give her the bear. He took it home and took pictures of her with it. I want to thank you for this beautiful gift. I thought you might like to know what happened to it, who received it, and where it found a home. James and I both want to thank you.”

Linda Vestal
Registration Office Supervisor, Goodson Recreation Center