It is a reality; Your desk job could be hindering your health and your waistline!

Many Americans that work the 8 to 5 do so by sitting at a desk. One study found that individuals who sit 7.4 or more hours are more likely to become overweight than those who sit less than 5 hours. Another study found that the more a man sits the more weight he is likely to gain. In addition to the added pounds, sitting at your desk for long periods of time causes leg cramps, poor posture, and muscle tension (Diethack, 2008).

So, if in fact, sedentary describes your 8 to 5 day – Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy while working at your desk:

  1. Embrace the H2O.
    Even when you’re sitting, hydration is essential! Water not only keeps your body cleansed and your skin nourished, it also contains zero calories and may curb your appetite (Lifehacks, 2011).
  2. Sit Correctly.
    Isn’t it easy to slouch and position yourself comfortably in your office chair? Although this might be comfortable in the short-term, it is not ideal in the long-term. The comfy slouching position can cause strain, aches, and even injury. The ideal seating position includes having your chair set at the appropriate height, this means that your eyes should be level to the computer screen, your knees positioned lower than your hips, and your computer screen 20 inches directly from your face. Your feet should sit flat on the floor and your wrists on your desk (Lifehacks, 2011).
  3. Don’t keep unhealthy snacking food at your desk!
    If you are a snacker, try to keep the healthy foods at your desk since the temptation might be there. Some examples may include carrot sticks, celery sticks, or dried fruit (Diethack, 2008).

Click here for additional information on Office Health

Daniél C. Kimlinger, MHA, PHR
Human Resources/Accounting