Since recommitting to our blogging efforts here at MINES, we have seen a tremendous response in viewership.  In the Marketing Department here, we like statistics and so we watch for data that help us make informed decisions.  I wanted to share a couple of interesting statistics with you all:

  • Since January 1, the number of views has increased by 50%
  • The most searched term that has brought viewers to our blog so far this year was, “healthy decision making.”

We’ve been working very hard to provide useful information to those that visit our blog and want to use this venue for sharing with you as well.  We want you to comment with feedback, “like” the posting if you find it useful, retweet it if you think it’s valuable, or share it with your friends and colleagues in any other way you’d like.  The more you share with us about your interests and what you’d like to see, the more we can focus our attention on providing content you want to see.

Ryan Lucas
Marketing Supervisor