Labor’s Community Agency is a nonprofit organization that serves as the community services arm of the Colorado AFL-CIO.  They provide assistance to union members, their families, and the community at large.  The phone number for the LCA is prominent on MINES’ resource contact list and given to those with nowhere else to turn for assistance – they have never let us down.  As with any organization that does this type of work, volunteers and donations are a big part of what keeps them going and each year at the annual meeting they pay tribute to those that help.  This year the Community Services Award was given to Judy Braun (a long-time MINES employee who retired last year).  Two MINES member organizations were also acknowledged:  Sheet Metal Workers Local 9 received the Community Excellence Award and Volunteer of the Year Awards were given to Ed Knox and Michael Hixson, both with IBEW.  A big “Thank You” to all for the support of this organization that touches so many lives in a positive way.

Until next time!

Peggy Hill
Britney Kirsch
Account Management