Allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Ryan and I joined the MINES team 1 year ago.  I’ve had the pleasure of working with every department in this company learning and working with the vast services that MINES provides for companies all over the United States.  From EAP to Managed Behavioral Health, MINES provides workplace solutions and cost-containment strategies for organizations that are truly dedicated to the well-being of their employees and members.  It has been exciting to work with so many great people and with a company that cares about the development and success of its staff.

I have recently moved into the Marketing department here at MINES to help expand our opportunities to serve more people and in this new role I am actively seeking input from the readers of this blog as to what would be most helpful to you.  Do you benefit from the articles that are posted regarding stress management?  Are you looking for more information on the services that we provide?  How can we continue to serve you as a reader of this blog?

I look forward to your comments!

Marketing Coordinator