MINES!Welcome to the June issue of ChooseWell2! Summer is upon us and with the nice weather comes a chance to get out there and be proactive this season. We here at MINES want to help you take advantage of the summer with MINES Live Wellbeing Challenges. These include Run the ‘Rocks (See the fitness section below) as well as a healthy cooking class that will benefit a local shelter in Denver. More exciting events to support your wellbeing are to come! Also, this month’s articles will help you lose weight and get ready for the pool, learn how you react to stress, and learn more about time management so that you can relax and enjoy fun in the sun. Don’t you feel better already?If you or a group from your company is interested in joining MINES for Wellbeing Challenges and would like information please click here.

The MINES Team


The 15 Best Fat Loss Tips

Eating healthy and losing weight can be difficult. But with the right habits healthy eating can be as easy as just eating breakfast. Learn these 15 tips to get you started.

To view the slideshow, click here.


Run the ‘Rocks 5K

What better way to stay fit and enjoy the outdoors than to run/walk a 5 kilometer stretch in Colorado’s beautiful Red Rocks State Park to benefit the American Lung Association. Companies can even form corporate teams to participate as a group!

For full details on the event, click here.


Time Management:

A Personal Time Survey

To begin managing your time you first need a clearer idea of how you now use your time. The Personal Time Survey will help you to estimate how much time you currently spend in typical activities.

To read the full article, click here.

Stress Relief

Stress Management

Stress management starts with an honest assessment of how you react to stress. You can then counter unhealthy ways of reacting with more helpful techniques.


To read the full article, click here.

 Click here to check out BalancedLiving Magazine!
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