Choose Well 2012 Header 

Make sure to check out the excellent articles we found below for the November issue of ChooseWell including a way to identify how you are spending your time. Also, don’t forget that we’re hosting a webinar on “Worry-free Finances” on November 14th. Click here to register. If you missed any of our other webinars from this past year, you can see archived versions of those webinars here.

‘Til next time!

The MINES team

The dirty dozen and clean 15 of produceThe Dirty Dozen” and “The Clean 15,” is intended to help consumers know when they should buy organic and when it is unnecessary.Click here to view the lists.
10 Steps for Keeping Your Knees HealthyBe sure to check out these ten simple tips to help reduce pain in your knees and increase the overall health of your knees.To discover the 10 steps, click here.
The Wheel of Life:
Finding Balance in Your Life
When life is busy, or all your energy is focused on a special project, it’s all too easy to find yourself “off balance.” The Wheel of Life is a great tool to help you improve your life balance.Create your own wheel, click here.
Stress Relief
Quick Stress ReliefEver wish a stress superhero could save you from traffic jams, chaotic meetings, or a toddler’s tantrums? Guess what?
You can be your own stress-busting superhero.Learn how to be a superhero, click here.
Click here to check out the NEW Leadership Magazine!
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