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The Secret to Happiness

October 4, 2010

Our theme for October is “Single and Satisfied.” At the link below you will find a printable poster for your workspace. You can also print the Fall edition of our quarterly magazine, Balanced Living, and our quarterly Supervisor Magazine, Leadership, Please check out these excellent resources!

This month we tackle a subject I know all too much about, “Single and Satisfied.” I have spent so much time in my life trying to escape being single that I almost missed out on enjoying and strengthening one of the most important and meaningful relationships I will ever have; my relationship with myself. Embracing your individuality and living life single can be invigorating and rejuvenating. Taking time to focus on developing your relationship with yourself is just as important as keeping your bonds strong with others. Instead of focusing on what is missing from your life, put energy towards what makes you happy and be proactive in taking the necessary steps toward that.

Read more on this topic here…
Britney Kirsch

Account Manager