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Ideas for Healthy Weight Loss
March 7, 2011

Wellness, wellness, wellness! It seems to be the new buzzword going around. Starting about mid-year in 2010 many of our clients wanted to know what we could offer for wellness. We brought nutritionists to benefit fairs and we even increased our nutrition and fitness trainings, but as a psychology firm, we knew that there were so many behavioral components to your health and we wanted to offer more.

As an Account Manager, I make an effort to experience what our clients are experiencing so I met with the nutritionist and completed a full assessment. I know what I need to do to lose weight and be healthy; eat more vegetables, exercise more, calories in vs. calories out…yada, yada, yada. However, the assessment delved so much deeper than I had imagined. I didn’t realize how connected my eating was with stress, sleep, and a few bad habits I didn’t even realize I had. At one point during the assessment, Deb, a nutrition affiliate, asked me, “How much water do you typically drink in a day?” I looked at my coffee mug and embarrassingly stated, “There is water in my coffee.” I didn’t even realize how thoughtless I had become with my health and how noticeably my habits were impacting my life and state of well-being. It’s not that I didn’t know that it’s important to strive for 8 glasses of water per day but I think I put “healthy living” on the bottom of my to-do list.

Our theme for March is “Food for Thought.” So think twice about all of those Girl Scout cookies and sit back and enjoy this month’s articles for information on making steps toward a better you. And as an added bonus we have our very own nutritional affiliates writing them, so a big thank you to Custom Life Solutions for your insight, knowledge, and new partnership with MINES as we provide our clients with a more holistic approach to that little thing called “wellness”

Read more on this topic here…
Britney Kirsch
Account Manager