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March 2014: Emotional & Financial Wellbeing

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New View, New You!

Welcome to the March issue of TotalWellbeing! This month we look at financial wellbeing as our new topic. Finances are a topic that most of us think about every day as we pay off debt from the past, pay the bill for the present, or plan for the expenses of the future. How we manage our finances throughout our life has a direct impact on our wellbeing and happiness levels. With this in mind we will continue to look at emotional wellbeing as it connects to our financial standing as our second topic this month.

Last month on our blog we saw the first insights from our BizPsych consultants as well as eye-opening thoughts from our HealthPsych team. If you missed out please feel free to take this chance to catch up. Going forward, this March you can look forward to the first posting of the year by our very own expert psychologist and CEO, Dr. Robert Mines. And if that’s not enough, our human resources department will be sharing critical knowledge about the world of HR and all they do behind the scenes to support an organization’s most precious resource, the employees!  And as always please use this chance to let us know what you think, and what you’d like to see more of.

To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

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The Connection:

Occupational & Emotional Wellbeing

It’s safe to say that pretty much everyone understands that there is a direct link between your financial and emotional state. Money may not be able to buy happiness but money woes sure can bring about un-happiness. And on the flip side financial stability can free you up to focus on what really makes you happy.

Emotional Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing

Stop Sweating the Small Stuff

Enjoying the sun

Do Your Own Financial Planning


One of the best things you can do on an ongoing basis is to practice letting go of the little things in life that get you down! Let these tips from wikihow show you a better way to deal with life’s little problems.

To read the full article, click here.

Sometimes financial planning and money issues can seem overwhelming. Having a good plan can help keep things in perspective and help you make smart decisions. Follow these tips from wikihow to learn some basic self planning strategies.

To read the full article, click here.

 mines_logo_blueMINES does not warrant the materials (Audio, Video, Text, Applications, or any other form of media or links) included in this communication have any connection to MINES & Associates, nor does MINES seek to endorse any entity by including these materials in this communication.  MINES accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided herein, nor any additional content that may be made available through any third-party site. We found them helpful, and hope you do too!