Welcome to 2014 and to another year with MINES! This year won’t be just like any other year, however, as we have some fresh, new, and exciting things coming down the pipeline. This year we will be bringing more information, resources, and useful content to you than ever before. With a rejuvenated monthly newsletter, and a fresh outlook on our health and wellbeing blog, our goal is to bridge the gap between all the factors that affect wellbeing in both the mind as well as the body.

With this idea of the mind-body relationship at the forefront, our topics will focus on the 8 dimensions of wellness: Physical, Occupational, Intellectual, Environmental, Financial, Social, Spiritual, and Emotional Wellness. Each month we will explore how different aspects of wellness are connected to each other and more importantly how they apply to everyday life to help achieve balance and promote Total Wellbeing.

But maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves here, so let’s just take it one step at a time. The first quarter of this year we will be focusing our sights on the first 3 wellness dimensions; occupational, emotional, and financial wellbeing. Keep an eye on our revamped monthly newsletter, TotalWellbeing, where we will bridge the dimensions of wellbeing and provide helpful articles and resources to help keep things relevant to you and your life and help you see things in a new light.

Not only are we striving to show the total picture of wellbeing, we aim to show you a total picture of MINES. Coming soon you can expect to see content from all facets of MINES. Our case managers will share tips and insight into the world of therapy, our expert consultants from our BizPsych branch will discuss what it takes to be successful concerning organizational wellness, and of course our CEO Dr. Robert Mines will continue to share his wisdom on various topics covering the complex world of psychology, mental health, and how it relates to the world around us.

Stay tuned all of 2014 and learn why Mines & Associates is helping to lead the charge into the realm of behavioral health.

To your total wellbeing

-The MINES Team