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April 2015:  Be Aware of Your Intellectual Wellbeing

Wellness through Awareness!

Welcome to the April issue of TotalWellbeing! This month we’ve got our eyes on Intellectual Wellbeing. As with most of the areas of wellbeing we talk about, intellectual wellbeing is something that you cultivate and nurture throughout your entire life, constantly building on new ideas, experiences, and ways of thought. Practice makes perfect and intelligence is no exception. In order to expand your knowledge and nurture your brain, you have to step out of your comfort zone and seek out new ideas and fresh experiences. To explore this dimension more closely please read The Path, below.

Swing on over to the MINES blog to check out our latest post by Dr. Robert Mines which takes a look at incivility and bullying in the workplace. We can’t stress enough about the importance of creating a comfortable, trusting work environment where people feel safe. When employees have to work in fear of being bullied or discriminated against it is not only toxic to the company’s productivity, but the employees’ mental and physical wellbeing is also at risk.

Don’t forget to check out  important resources such as our blog and LinkedIn showcase pages to make sure you don’t miss anything.


To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The Path

Intellectual wellbeing is something that you must use or loose. The brain is just like any other part of your body, if you fail to use it then it will atrophy. Intelligence is critical to understanding your place in the world, and making the world we live in a better place for all. So to truly nurture your intellect, you owe it to yourself to constantly seek out knowledge and be open to new ideas. Studying various subjects, talking to new people, learning a new language or instrument, and going out and seeing new places are all great ways to gain insight and shine a light on the corners of your brain that were once dark.

Intellectual Wellbeing resources: Check out what the neuroscience department of Macalester College has to say about the various types of intelligence and left vs. right brain interaction!Read Article Here

Jumpstart your own pursuit of knowledge with some tips from on how to boost brain activity with everyday activities!

Read Tips

 Chakra To Your Senses

Many cultures believe in Chakras (shock-ras) which are, simply put, energy centers in your body that govern various aspects of your physiology. We will stay away from the spiritual aspects of these and instead focus on the concept behind them to bring you more ways to nurture you body as well as mind. Click here to see a complete list of the 7 chakras and their properties.

Chakras to nurture this month: Crown and Third-Eye Chakras

In order to support your intellectual wellbeing it will be important to be aware of and nurture your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras. Located on the top of your head and in the middle of your head respectively, these energy centers act as your conduits for intelligence, wisdom, intuition, and perception, among many other aspects. You can nurture your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras by keeping your mind open to new ideas, by stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new experiences, reading new books, and generally seeking out interests and hobbies. Now get out there, have fun, and be well!

 If you or a member of your household needs assistance or guidance on any of these wellbeing topics, please call MINES & Associates, your EAP, today for free, confidential, 24/7 assistance at 800.873.7138.
 mines_logo_blue MINES does not warrant the materials (Audio, Video, Text, Applications, or any other form of media or links) included in this communication have any connection to MINES & Associates, nor does MINES seek to endorse any entity by including these materials in this communication.  MINES accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided herein, nor any additional content that may be made available through any third-party site. We found them helpful, and hope you do too!