Women say they are more likely to have a long-term relationship with guys who present themselves as funny.

Interesting research I discovered on CNN….As an FYI MINES and Associates offers a “Humor in the Workplace” seminar through our bizpsych division.  Contact us for details.

By Elizabeth Landau CNN (CNN) — Attention, single dudes: Women want you to make them laugh. Women say they are more likely to have a long-term relationship with guys who present themselves as funny. According to new research, women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. The research was presented this week at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England. “Over the course of history, women actively look for signs that their man is intelligent, and I believe the ability to actively judge the situation and pull off a joke and make you laugh is an intelligent feat,” said Kristofor McCarty, a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and author of the study, in an e-mail. McCarty’s study asked 45 heterosexual women….

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