MINES is a big fan of non-profits that do good work that benefit the community so it comes as no surprise that we are also big supporters of Colorado Gives Day. What is that you ask? For the last 7 years Community First Foundation and Firstbank has presented Colorado Gives Day, which is a 24-hour statewide donating extravaganza event. Together with the sponsored $1 Million Incentive Fund, this day represents one of the largest donation initiatives in the country, and is aimed at helping non-profit organizations right here in Colorado.

Not only is this a great effort to support community resources in Colorado, but the people and organizations involved are doing important work that wouldn’t be possible without public help and donations. Some of these great organizations are companies that MINES serves and works with every day. In fact, some of our great partners include:

We know that not everyone has the means to donate, but if you are willing and able to help we ask that you please consider giving during Colorado Gives Day either to one of the organizations listed above or to one of the many other important causes from Colorado non-profits. At Coloradogives.org you can search by location, company, or cause so that you can find a cause that you’re passionate about and make sure it gets the support it needs to keep serving the Colorado community.

Thank you to all that can donate or support these great causes in your own way. Our thriving community is only possible with the help of people like you.

To your wellbeing,

– The MINES Team