
In the 36 years that MINES has been providing behavioral health services and employee assistance programs, we have strived to stay connected to the communities we serve and the marketplaces that provide their benefits. We do this at the ground level by going out to conferences, giving talks, and connecting with organizations and industry leaders. This year will be no different. Please read on for an overview of the events and places MINES will be visiting and learn more about what we do and the organizations that host these events.

This year

The 2017 road map contains a bunch of stops throughout the country where MINES will be putting up shop and doing what we do best; advocating for and delivering wellness and behavioral health services.

If you are one of our many employees or companies that we serve, we would love to say hi at any of the events that we are going to that you may happen to visit. To help you find us check out the list below to see if we will be at a conference or wellness event near you.

Health Links

Health Links is a partner that we have been doing a lot with these days. This group does great wellness work with Colorado organizations helping with everything from assessing an organization’s health and safety policies, assisting with goal setting, and connecting like-minded businesses, to certifying quality employers as “Healthy Businesses”, of which MINES is one.

The event that we will be a part of this year is the Health Links Annual Event: Celebrating Colorado’s Healthiest Employers.

We will be there talking about wellness programs and employer support initiatives, as well as MINES has been nominated as the potential winner of the Health Links Innovation Award for 2017.

SHRM Events

The Society for Human Resource Management, or SHRM, is a human resources association that has national as well as state chapters. Many state chapters hold conferences that focus on employee benefits and wellness programs including medical, dental, financial, and employee assistance programs. MINES will be attending a number of these conferences over the course of the next few months. Check out which ones below, and if you happen to be a client of ours in these states and are attending please stop by to say hi!

  • Arizona SHRMAugust 29th
  • Wyoming SHRMSeptember 14th
  • Colorado SHRMSeptember 27th; Dr. Robert Mines, Founder and Chairman of MINES, will be speaking at this event as well. The topic will be Mindfulness and Stress Management for Human Resource Professionals

Health Services Coalition

Not only is this one a first for us, but September 16th marks the first ever Health Services Coalition Health Fair. Located in Southern Nevada, Health Services Coalition is a non-profit group that focuses on procuring high-quality and cost-effective healthcare services for its members. MINES will be at the fair to promote wellness services and support HSC with their important initiatives.


SIIA, or the Self-Insured Institute of America is a member-based organization that promotes and progresses the interests of organizations within the self-insured marketplace. SIIA usually hosts a national as well as international event each year, of which MINES typically attends both to talk with business leaders and top level insurance professionals in order to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry as well as discuss the future of health care benefits. It is here that MINES can help these organizations with services such as MINES’ case management services that help contain costs and reduce risk as their employees seek short and long-term care. This year’s national event will be the 37th Annual National Educational Conference and Expo and will be hosted in Phoenix, AZ. MINES will be on-site to join in on the conversation.

Dr. Mines and Dr. Dani Kimlinger, MINES’ CEO, will also be speaking at this one, this time the topic will be “Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Systems”.  Additionally, Dani will be speaking at the HR Symposium on October 5th leading up to the conference.

Staying connected

Here at MINES it is no easy task to send our team across the country and away from their life-saving duties. However, it is critical that we attend these events and meet the people that are talking about healthcare and seeking benefits for their employees and members. Not only are these events excellent forums to share our services with people searching for the best benefits but it allows us to talk to communities across the country and join the healthcare and employee benefits conversation on the ground level. Talking with people and organizations about their needs is the only real way to truly assess what peoples pain points are and for companies like MINES to further refine our services to maximize the positive impact they have on the lives that we serve every day.

We’ll keep you posted

As we said, we hope to meet new people and organizations but we also love seeing familiar faces. If you find yourself at any of these events please stop by and say hi. We will be giving out more detailed information about these events and what booths and locations you can find us at as the event dates draw closer. To stay on top of it all you can follow us through the following channels.

Right here on MINESBlog: If something big happens at MINES you can bet that we are going to blog about it on MINESBlog. Subscribe (if you aren’t already) to be notified anytime we post. That way you won’t miss any of the helpful, fun, or (hopefully) insightful posts we put up every month!

Twitter: You can always find out what we’re up to through Twitter. Just follow @Mines_BH to receive updates on events, special initiatives, and wellness and behavioral health related news from MINES.

See you soon!


To Your Wellbeing,

The MINES Team