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Caregiving in Four Stages
November 14, 2011

When my husband and I were dating, I loved our late night talks. During one of our “what will the future look like” conversations we talked about the kind of house we wanted to own when we started to build our family. My primary thoughts were focused on how many children we would bring into our family and decide how many rooms we would need based on that. I found his responses to be incredibly telling of the man he is and surprising for a man of his age. His first thought was making sure we had enough room for his parents, should they ever need to live with us. Here I was, thinking about people that didn’t even exist, and he was looking out for the people who raised him in his very first house, that he still calls home.

My husband is being realistic and likely addressing something that I don’t want to. It’s so easy to forget that your parents aren’t superhuman. I still think my Mom is so strong and tall, just as I did when I was a little girl, even though I tower over her by 5 inches. And even though I am getting older and have a partner to rely on, I still need her all the time. It’s hard to think that one day, hopefully 40 years from now, she will need me.

On a separate note, MINES is preparing for the 2012 HR Webinar Series and we’re looking for some feedback. Please take a moment and follow this link to our 5 question survey to help us better serve your needs.

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Britney Kirsch
Account Manager