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Counseling FAQ
May 3, 2011

This past month I had the privilege to present an employee orientation to a group of extremely courteous men. I have oriented employees on the benefits of their EAP hundreds of times, but somehow presenting the topic of counseling to a group of men usually makes me slightly nervous. Perhaps it’s because my Dad overdid the “Men don’t cry or have emotion” routine, or maybe it’s because I have presented to a group of men who literally laughed as soon as I said counseling. Either way, I always get a bit nervous.

I was pleasantly surprised to find myself with an entirely different experience this month. Every gentleman gave me their full attention, asked questions, and even shared their own experiences with MINES. I was in awe of their openness and kindness. I know my perception is largely based on what I have experienced in my life but this event truly warmed my heart.

Getting anyone to understand the benefit and process of counseling isn’t always easy unless they have experienced it for themselves. The theme for May is “Mental Health Matters,” and our first communication is a quick guide to understanding what counseling is and how it can be used.

Read more on this topic here…
Britney Kirsch
Account Manager