As many of you may remember from my previous blog posts, I volunteered for 5 weeks in southern India last summer at a school called Shanti Bhavan (Haven of Peace).  Shanti Bhavan provides education and support for children from the most impoverished backgrounds, formerly called the “untouchables” in the Indian caste system. I have accepted a job there as “Volunteer Coordinator” and will be moving to India for a year on May 30, 2010.  I will be coordinating the overseas volunteers as well as teaching piano lessons and academic subjects as needed.  I am so excited to move on to this next adventure in my life.

While I am saddened to move on from MINES and Associates where I have enjoyed working for nearly two and half years, I am excited to introduce you to the newest additions to the Marketing Team.  Ryan Lucas will be taking the job of Marketing Coordinator, and Maia Fiala will be assisting him.  Two very creative, competent and hard-working people!


Allegra Boggess

Marketing and Advertising Coordinator