Did you know that just a few weeks ago, MINES celebrated our 35th anniversary? It’s true, back in January of 1981, MINES was started with the vision of being a psychology firm addressing the needs of its clients based on the expertise of multiple professionals even though it initially consisted of one psychologist, our founder, Dr. Robert A. Mines. Soon after, Dr. Richard Lindsey joined the firm and over the ensuing years, MINES became well-known for providing health psychology services such as its expert case management in behavioral health, a leader in Employee Assistance, and a valued partner to our clients regarding organizational psychology services. We’ve been proud to call Colorado our home and to expand to all 50 states. We’ve seen many changes in our industry over the years but no matter how we partnered with groups or consulted on projects we’ve always maintained our core vision as a guiding principle for doing business: to save lives and influence the course of human events.

So, to commemorate the occasion, we wanted to reconfirm our solemn promise to our clients, past, present, and future, to continue to work in every way that we can to serve the good of those organizations and individuals/families. MINES continues to strive to apply the latest evidenced/research-based practices for the wellbeing of our clients. We do this with compassion and loving kindness to relieve their suffering and enhance the quality of their lives.

As a practical matter and update moving forward, we have rolled out a brand new website at www.minesandassociates.com that will significantly improve the ability of individuals to access our services and information about our program through mobile devices. We have a number of changes to our Provider Portal that will streamline our billing and reporting processes. We’re upping our social media game to provide great content on facebook and twitter (so make sure to check it out!) And we have a number of projects underway that will be rolling out in 2016 that will make it easier and more enjoyable to access services with MINES.

We want to thank all of our clients for their partnership over the years and look forward to the next 35 years! Have a great 2016 and, as always, “to your wellbeing!”

The MINES team