Most companies throughout America fall into one of many different industry segments, with each segment typically having a non-profit association that provides support and disseminates industry information to its members.

Associations are typically nationally run, some by outside organizations, with their members  located throughout the country and sometimes Canada and Mexico. Some associations have sub-segments that create even more special or focused associations, such as a health association that also has heart and prenatal sub-associations. Associations provide companies with the opportunity to talk and meet on various topics and issues that they run into, helping them grow their business by better understanding opportunities.

MINES and Associates is a business psychology firm that specializes in behavioral health care– or more specifically mental health, substance abuse, and psychotropic drug usage. I just attended the annual Self Insurance Institute of America’s Annual Conference in Chicago where companies come together to talk about health insurance benefits.  Participating in these associations and conferences is extremely beneficial as we are able to learn about and determine the types of products and services that employers need for their employees.

While  employee deductibles and copayments have increased consistently over the last couple of years, the services provided are improving. Employees are getting more for their money. Specialty health care is able to focus on a specific health issue and address it with unique drugs and care. What this means to the employee is quicker recovery and less time spent in doctor’s offices.

MINES Behavioral Health Case Management is a perfect example. Behavioral health issues are typically treated by health care workers who spend up to 90% of their time on medical and surgical issues. They don’t have the experience and knowledge of mental health issues to effectively provide the best treatment possible. We are seeing our business grow as employers add MINES’ behavioral health care expertise and network of qualified providers to their benefit plans.

With 30 years of experience and over 50,000 providers in our network, MINES knows Behavioral Health. We are constantly learning and improving our offerings to our clients. If your company doesn’t offer you some of the behavioral benefits noted above, ask your HR Department to look into MINES & Associates.

Allan Benson

Senior Sales Executive
