As we focus on Overcoming Addiction as this month’s wellness theme, it’s important to note that addictions not only affect the addict themselves, but have a huge impact on the family, friends, and loved ones who surround the individual.

While family members may focus more on the addict rather than themselves during recovery, many addiction treatment models include the family member as part of the addict’s healing because of the role that relationship can play.

In browsing the MINES PersonalAdvantage site (our online resource portal available to MINES client organizations) I was able to find a wealth of information concerning addiction and the affects on the family. Specifically, one article by Parlay International points out that family members often share the same concerns, such as:

  • Suspicion of the addict’s actions, leading to constant family conflict.
  • They blame themselves and each other for addict’s illness.
  • They are afraid of the addicts changing behavior, especially mood swings.  They fear it could break up the family unit.
  • They are embarrassed by the addict’s behavior.
  • They resent the unfair demands place upon them by the addict.

If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction, check out community resources such as Al-Anon or Narc-Anon.  Additionally, feel free to contact us at MINES anytime for support or related questions concerning addiction or other behavioral health concern.  We’re here to help.

Ian Holtz
Manager, Business Development