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September 2016: Physical Wellbeing

Get Involved!

Man and Woman in Lotus Pose

Welcome to the September issue of TotalWellbeing! This month we circle back around to Physical Wellbeing. In February we talked about goal setting. How have yours been coming along? If you’ve found it hard to stay motivated you’re not alone. To help with this, look to friends and family for encouragement and shared goal setting/achieving. Feed off of each other’s achievements and hold each other accountable for getting out there and working towards your objectives. To make it even more fun check out the community resource section below for some great apps to help keep track of your activity and compete against your workout buddies! For a closer look at this month’s topic and helpful resources please check out The Path and The Connection below.

Last month on MINESblog we were in the Olympic spirit. There were certainly some amazing performances this summer in Rio from all around the world. Our CEO, Dr. Robert Mines couldn’t help but examine the psychology behind Olympic athletes and the immense pressure they have to endure while preparing for and competing in the games. In a second post, Dr. Mines also explored the importance of curiosity and its role in intelligence and life-log learning. If you like what you read, there’s always more great posts coming up so make sure to subscribe.

As always, for more information please check out the links to the left or hit the share button to send us a message. See you next month!

To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The Path: Spiritual Wellbeing and Perspective

Last time we talked about physical wellbeing we looked at goal setting. We asked you what do you wanted to achieve, and how you planned to reach those goals. We hope that you were able to go out and set those aspirations for yourself, but now we ask another question. What will keep you striving to achieve what you set out to do in the long run? The key behind this question is motivation. Motivation, like most aspects of wellbeing, is a personal concept that is most definitely not a one size fits all sort of thing, and staying motivated can be just as hard as the work itself. The good news is that you do not have to go it alone. One of the greatest sources of motivation are the other people in your life. Strive to find the family members, friends, and co-workers that may also have some goals and hold each other accountable for achieving them. Ask each other how it’s going, give encouraging words, or even use an app to track progress and have a little competitive fun trying to outdo one another. Remember to keep the competitiveness on the light side. The goal here is to encourage and have fun so that you enjoy reaching your goals as well as watching other reach theirs.

Tips for you:

Are you looking to make your occasional strength class or Sunday spin session a regular ritual? Many casual exercisers want to sweat more often, but they struggle with finding the workout motivation to make fitness a part of their daily routine. Check out’s motivation tips to give yourself a boost when you feel like you need a little extra pep.

Check Out Tips Here!

The Connection: Get Involved

Wellbeing does not simply start and stop at the individual. Our community is connected to each of our own individual wellbeing in a huge way. When we are well we can better function within our community.  We can help our fellow humans thrive, and in turn, when our community is prospering, it helps each of us reach our goals as individuals. So why not help our community so we can all thrive together? Each month we will strive to bring you resources that can help you enhance the wellbeing of those around you or get involved with important causes.

Community Wellbeing Resources:

Social media and social apps make it a breeze to keep in touch with those you care about in your life. It’s great to be able to send someone a message or find out how they’re doing with a few swipes or key strokes. But did you know that social apps also make it easy to share each others’ workouts, goals, and activity? It’s a great way to stay motivated, have fun, offer encouragement and be encouraged, and maybe get a little competitive in the process. Don’t know where to start? Check out’s review of the 16 best fitness apps of 2016.

Read Review Here!

Don’t forget that PersonalAdvantage, your online benefit through MINES, has tons of great resources for all the dimensions of wellbeing that we discuss here. If you haven’t checked it out yet, or want to see what resources they have for this month’s topic check out the link below. You’ll need your company login, so make sure to get that from your employer.

Check Out PersonalAdvantage Here!

 If you or a member of your household needs assistance or guidance on any of these wellbeing topics, please call MINES & Associates, your EAP, today for free, confidential, 24/7 assistance at 800.873.7138.
 mines_logo_blueMINES does not warrant the materials (Audio, Video, Text, Applications, or any other form of media or links) included in this communication have any connection to MINES & Associates, nor does MINES seek to endorse any entity by including these materials in this communication.  MINES accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided herein, nor any additional content that may be made available through any third-party site. We found them helpful, and hope you do too!