This time of year everyone is thinking of personal Resolutions or writing about making resolutions. How do you choose what is the best resolution for you? And how do you make sure you follow through with whatever resolution you decide on? And with 2021 starting off amidst COVID, how do you achieve your goals and/or resolutions?

There are many ways that you can look for, and choose, your yearly resolutions and I think there is merit to each way.


First, you can set a SMART goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, timely. By having a SMART goal, you are able to track and document your success and you can see where you are struggling. You can also adjust or fine-tune your goal in this model as you need to since you have 5 points of adjustability. What may start as an achievable goal in January may not be achievable in the same way in September. It is a good idea to have a couple of options planned out on how to achieve this goal so you can continue doing it no matter what happens in your life. For example, if you want to lose 30 pounds, maybe you can plan to work out either by finding ways to do so at home or by changing your diet vs. relying on the gym as how you are going to achieve it. It is important to review this model often and adjust so you will be successful.

Wellbeing Focused Goals

Secondly, you can choose resolutions around one aspect of wellbeing for the whole year or one each month. This means you could make a resolution for the whole year to focus on your financial wellbeing or you could address one of the eight dimensions of wellbeing each month so you have a well-rounded improvement of your wellbeing. Our monthly newsletter works well for reference for those who want to do one per month. You can also look at how different areas of your wellbeing affects each other, like how your physical wellbeing affects your occupational wellbeing. Just remember to take into consideration that you need to be flexible in how you might achieve each wellness goal. (Our wellness coaching services can help with that too!)

Child-forward Goals

Thirdly, it is important to remember that whatever resolution or goal you come up with, it is essential for it to be beneficial or enjoyable for you so that you want to stick with it. Whether it is a way for you to smile more, connect to others, create something from nothing, or explore a new activity, resolutions only work when you like what you are getting out of them. So, as you design how you will achieve the goal or what your goal will be, keep this in mind. There are great webinars, trainings, and websites on common goals/resolutions and fun ways to tackle them. For example, if you want to walk more, find a beautiful area that is near you but you haven’t been to before and walk there. Or if you want to achieve financial balance, maybe consider downloading a game that is about money to help you think how you might best spend fictional money. Whatever you do, just remember that your resolutions and/or goals, should be something you want to achieve, and you will find the journey enjoyable.

Center Your Focus

Whether you choose to label your goals as resolutions or not, and whatever you choose to pursue in 2021, do so with your whole heart, stay focused, let others know your goals and resolutions so they can support you, and remind yourself that there will be ups and downs. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you fail. Be accepting of what changes need to happen so that you are able to accomplish your goals even if it isn’t too the extent you originally wanted. Focus on what really matters and the rest will fall into place.

MINES is proud to offer wellness training, coaches, and comprehensive wellness tools to help you and your household members reach their wellbeing goals. Feel free to outreach us if you would like a boost to your mental wellbeing or any of the other 8 wellness areas. Call us at 1-800-873-7138 to see how we can help you achieve your goals and resolutions.

To your wellbeing!


The MINES Team