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Respect in the Workplace

“When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.”

– Thomas Monson


Welcome to the March 2020 edition of TotalWellbeing, your guide to the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. This month’s resources will be centered around respect in the workplace and nurturing your occupational wellbeing. Respect in the workplace is all about communication and learning to honor the needs and boundaries of your co-workers as well as yourself. It is also important to remember that respect is a two-way street, in order to earn respect, you must be respectful of others. At the same time, it is also in your best interest to take the high road and even if someone disrespects you, resist the urge to retaliate or disrespect them back as that is likely to make you look petty and immature to others that may not know the whole story. It maybe the tougher option to take the high road in these circumstances but in the end your colleagues and your reputation will thank you for it. Take a look at the tips below for ways to get started including communication with others and setting expectations to reduce misunderstandings. For more details around communication and respect, check out these helpful articles or this free webinar!

As a quick update, please remember that your online portal, PersonalAdvantage, has live updates and helpful resources around current events including live updates and news, helpful articles, and information and tips around topics including flu season, the Coronavirus, critical weather events, and more. Remember you can always catch past issues of TotalWellbeing on our newsletters page. This newsletter is aimed at providing helpful information about various aspects of your wellbeing and then connecting it all back to important and relevant parts of everyday life. If you have any thoughts, questions, or content you would like to see covered here please get in contact with us. You can email us directly by clicking here.

To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

Learning the barriers to effective communication will not only help improve your communication, but also your overall quality of life. Below are some common communication barriers to learn and avoid:

  • Preconceived Notions – These are the preconceived ideas, feelings, motives, and prejudices that we bring into a conversation. Due to the complex nature of our opinions, these preconceived ideas can actually affect what you hear.
  • Expectations – When we bring expectations into a conversation, we set ourselves up for disappointment. If you focus on keeping an open mind and reducing expectations for an interaction, you can fully engage in and learn from what is really being said
  • Physical Barriers – Body language can often speak louder than words. It’s important when communicating with another person, that you take note of the physical characteristics of effective communication.
  • Busy Settings – Try to speak with others in a quiet place. Noise, activity, and other people may all cause enough distraction to make conversation ineffective.
  • Personal Distractions – If we are thinking about other things while conversing, we’re not being effective communicators. While you are engaged in conversation, try to put the worries of the day aside.

Check out this article for a complete look at the above communication barriers and additional tips on how to get the most out of the communications that go on in your day to day life.

Remember that if you or a household member are having trouble communicating, experience social anxiety, or have anything else you’d like to talk about, we can help. Please call us at 1-800-873-7138 to get connected right away. Also, PersonalAdvantage has a ton of great resources and FREE webinars this month to help you focus on your wellbeing while also being productive at work and home.

Supporting Your Occupational Wellbeing

One of the key principals of job satisfaction is your ability to have confidence in your own abilities and in the quality of work that you perform. Without confidence you can feel lost and unsure; these feelings can cause anxiety and turmoil around work and work activities. To help boost your own confidence at work, and counter any of these negative effects, try the following tips:

  1. Do your homework – Learn as much as you can about the subject at hand-whether you’re giving a speech, asking for a promotion or making a sales call. You can’t be overprepared when your performance is on the line.
  2. Analyze your mistakes – Knowing what went wrong and what you can do to keep from making the same mistake again can help you turn a negative situation into one that boosts your confidence in your problem-solving abilities.
  3. Don’t take the easy way out – One reward of taking risks is an increased potential for higher achievement. Ask for added responsibility when given a choice between maintaining the status quo or doing something more.
  4. Make change a positive – Welcoming instead of fearing change makes it easier to identify the advantages and opportunities presented by new responsibilities and directions.
  5. Keep perspective – Maintaining a healthful balance between your personal and professional lives can help you weather a workplace crisis because you’re less likely to define your self-worth by how well you do your job.

Check out more tips on staying confident at work here. For more resources on supporting your occupational wellbeing, log in to PersonalAdvantage today.

Question of the Month

Think of one person you respect. What do you respect about them? How can you take these values/characteristics and incorporate them into your own character?

If you or a member of your household needs assistance or guidance on any of these wellbeing topics, please call MINES & Associates, your EAP, today for free, confidential, 24/7 assistance at 800.873.7138.

This Month’s Focus

Free Webinar:

How to Have a Professional and Respectful Workplace


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