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October 2017: Financial Wellbeing and Parenting

Get Involved!


Welcome to the October issue of TotalWellbeing! If you have been following TotalWellbeing you know that every month we focus on one of the 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing. This month as we look at where your financial wellbeing intersects with parenting, we hope you will find some good tools to help with both. Whether you are a parent or not, we all have parents and how your parents raised you has helped shape how you view your finances. And if you are a parent, how you teach your kids about finances will impact your financial wellbeing. There is a delicate balance of providing for the needs of your family and being satisfied with your current and future financial situation, and it is important to look at both.

For a closer look at this month’s topic and helpful resources please check out The Path and The Connection below or check out our advice on active listening and problem solving, or check out an article that looks at kids and stress along with some quick finance tips. Always feel free to print these resources and post them around if you feel they would be helpful.

Just a quick update on MINESblog this month. September 10 – 16 was National Wellness Week and to spread awareness we sent out some wellness resources. In case you missed them please feel free to circle back around because even though it isn’t wellness week any longer, any week is a great week for wellness! And don’t forget to check out the latest edition of BalancedLiving with great fall related resources just in time for the holidays

As always, for more information please check out the links to the left or hit the share button to send us a message. To be notified when we post more resources and articles make sure to subscribe to MINESblog. See you next month!

To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The Path: Where Finances intercept parenting

The words finance and stress are often said in the same sentence. When we are worrying about debts, bills, and saving for the future, our wellbeing is affected and can lead to depression, anger, and lots of sleepless nights. The best thing you can do is to focus on creating a budget, sticking with it, and be mindful of how our financial stressors affect our productivity and relationships both at work and at home. As you teach your children about finances, show them the importance of saving, keeping track of your expenses, and donating to those in need. Doing these things will help them be productive adults who understand how to handle their money and may help reduce your stress as parents knowing your child(ren) will be able to survive in the whirlwind of adulthood. Being satisfied with your current financial state can be quite a challenge but ultimately if you are able to find a way to be satisfied, your wellbeing will improve and you will feel better overall. The balance of needs and wants is something everyone must look at specifically when finances are a stressor for you. Make sure to set aside a small portion of your paycheck to save for those things you desire, while using the rest to pay off those things you need.

This month, check out these steps to help improve your financial wellbeing and happiness.

Check out the steps here!

Tips for you:

There is no right way to parent your children. Each situation is different. However, utilizing best practices can be a great starting point. Check out this month’s webinar to learn more parental development from the prenatal phase through the empty nest, or departure phase, combining the human development theories of Freud and Erikson with concrete, contemporary insights from the book, “The Six Stages of Parenting”.

Check out the webinar here!

The Connection: Get Involved

Wellbeing does not simply start and stop at the individual. Our community is connected to each of our own individual wellbeing in a huge way. When we are well we can better function within our community.  We can help our fellow humans thrive, and in turn, when our community is prospering, it helps each of us reach our goals as individuals. So why not help our community so we can all thrive together? Each month we will strive to bring you resources that can help you enhance the wellbeing of those around you or get involved with important causes.

Community Wellbeing Resources:

This month look at how you can expand your knowledge and skills within your community. Check out your local community’s website for classes you could take or find a way to use your skills to help someone in your community.

Click here to find a place to use your skills near you!

If your organization has access to PersonalAdvantage make sure to check out this customizable online benefit available through MINES. It has tons of the same great resources for all the dimensions of wellbeing that we discuss here, along with some articles and a whole section of trainings on Resilience! If you haven’t checked it out yet, or want to see what resources they have for this month’s topic check out the link below. You’ll need your company login, so make sure to get that from your employer or email us and we’ll be happy to provide that to you.

Check Out PersonalAdvantage Here!

 If you or a member of your household needs assistance or guidance on any of these wellbeing topics, please call MINES & Associates, your EAP, today for free, confidential, 24/7 assistance at 800.873.7138.

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