Choose Well 2012 Header
In this October issue of ChooseWell we’ve found a couple of really good articles around the web on things like easy exercise tips and ways to simplify your life. If while reading any of these you realize there’s something you’d like to work on, we can help!  Give us a call anytime!

‘Til next time! The MINES team
Everyday Foods are
Top 10 Sources of Sodium

Many of Americans’ favorite foods are key sources of the too-much sodium we take in each day. Just 10 types of food deliver almost half of our daily sodium.To read the full article, click here.
Best Exercises to do at Your Desk

Sitting all day increases our risk for obesity and puts us at risk for back pain, poor posture, leg cramps, tense muscles and sheer boredom. Here’s something you can do about it.To read the full article, click here.
12 Tips for Better Email Etiquette

Don’t you wish that every person who received a new e-mail account had to agree to follow certain rules to use it? Here are some things to keep in mind regarding professional e-mail conduct…To read the full article, click here.
Stress Relief
Cut the Stress, Simplify Your Life

If stress is wearing you down, take some advice from those who have left their stress behind – simplify your life.To read the full article, click here.
Click here to check out the NEW Balanced Living Magazine!
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