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Outsmarting Stress

November 30, 2010

Last week on my way to Estes Park I lost my power steering so I pulled off the road 10 miles outside of Estes Park. Suddenly I noticed smoke starting to seep out from under the hood and a ferocious gurgling noise after the engine was off. Convinced my car was about to go up in flames, like a scene from CSI, I jumped out of the car with all my belongings. To make a long story short: my fan belt and water pump broke, no explosions. Luckily, a kind man and his wife drove me into Estes Park where I was greeted by an unbelievably generous town.

I was experiencing so much anxiety. How will they get the car out of the canyon? How much would it cost to be fixed? Could it be fixed? Not to mention, I was now late to represent MINES at a benefit fair. At one point, with all my nerves running, I embarrassingly spilled my coffee on the ground at the Town Hall and I was convinced it was just “one of those days.”

Nonetheless, the people of Estes Park were so kind and welcoming to my latest stressor. Every person I encountered was so accommodating in finding the solution to my next worry; from calling a tow company to get my car, to calling for the costs to fix it and even driving me to pick it up. Nine hours and six hundred dollars later, I drove back to Denver and I started reflecting on why I got so worked up. I was okay, nobody was hurt and I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people. Sigh! I need to remember that stress can pop up at anytime and I have to be prepared. My new outlook on stress; try harder to search for the positive in what you are experiencing. To learn how to outsmart your stress click on the link below.

A BIG “Thank You” to Amy and the generous people of Estes Park!

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Britney Kirsch

Account Manager