Most of the nation is talking about health care these days. Infact, as I write this blog President Obama is addressing the nation telling us all about his plan and how it will give all people access to health care and save the nation money. We all would like to see something done to lower our health care costs, but only time will tell how and when Congress will get this resolved.

Mental Health Care insurance has been tied to many Health Care Insurance policies giving those that have health care, assitance with mental health issues. BUT, a little know fact is that the coverage for mental health care was typically less. For example, if you had 80% coverage for a broken arm under your health care policy you might have only 50% covergae for depression. This fact ( obviously it varies by insurance policy) leaves many people who need mental health care to go without because they can’t afford it.

In 2008 Congress approved the Mental Health Parity Act that goes into effect January 1, 2010 and assures  that mental health patients get the same coverage as their health care plan.  So in the example above, if an employee got 80% covergage for a broken elbow they also get 80% covergae for depression.


Mental Health Care is an umbrella term for many different types of issues a person might be experiencing or facing in life: Abuse, Anxiety, Career Issues, Child & Elder Care, Death  & Grief, Depression, Drug & Alcohol Concerns, Eating Disorders, Financial Issues, Legal Referrals, Marital & Relationships, Mood Disorders, and Stress, etc.

MINES & Associates is a National Business Psychology Firm that specializes in EAP programs , Managed Behavioral Care and Biz Pysch Consulting. We have customized programs that can help employers manage their mental health plans and their employees usage of EAP programs and Mental Health benefits. The goal is to get the employee well and back to work quickly while the associated costs of their theraphy and/or wellness program is kept to a minimum.

Please reference the MINES & Associates website: for more information on our company and how we can help your company meet the Parity Act.

Allan Benson

Director, New Business Development