I was recently given a free ebook written by Dr. Joanne G. Sujansky from a group I belong to on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/companies/mines-and-associates with 120 tips on how to keep employees motivated.  Here are the first 10:

Tip # 1

Share your principles and live by them.

People want to know what you stand for and that you are guided by your values and beliefs.

Tip # 2

Fight for what’s right.

If something is right to do, push for it. It it’s wrong, unethical, or out-of-line, refuse to do it and don’t force others to do it.

Tip # 3

Think positively.

Being positive is contagious and fosters positive attitudes and behaviors.

Tip # 4

Establish on-going and final evaluative processes and decide on a feedback system to use as people work on their goals.

This provides opportunities for improvement.

Tip # 5

Keep notes on performance discussions held with your team members.

Annual reviews are much more valuable when they summarize performance over the full year.

Tip # 6

Fix what’s broken, whether it’s a machine or a process.

People don’t need to be burdened by problems that can be corrected.

Tip # 7

Network. Be a servant in your organization, profession and community. Devote time to informal contacts inside and outside your organization.

When you are seen and heard, you are real and more believable. When you serve, chances are better that others will serve. Plus, you’ll find the talent you need everywhere.

Tip # 8

Notice the little things that people do for you and say, “Thank you.” Send personal notes of congratulation, condolence, encouragement, get well and appreciation to people as often as possible.

In this high-tech, low-touch world, you will stand out as a caring, devoted leader with heart. People like to be acknowledged for their kindness.

Tip # 9

Acknowledge birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, promotions, awards and community service.

People feel they belong when they are recognized and remembered. This may keep them with you or available to you when you need them most. 

Tip # 10

Express your concern when something sad happens to a person.

Showing that you have a heart goes a long way in today’s fast-paced, no-time-for-touch culture.

If you’d like a FREE copy of the entire ebook with all 129 tips please give me a call or shoot me an email and I will be happy to share.

Ian Holtz (303) 953-4083 ipholtz@minesandassociates.com

Thanks for dropping by.