It is not uncommon that when one opportunity disappears that another one presents itself.

On April 14th LinkedIn did away with one of its long running features, the products and services tab. With this tab, companies were able to highlight, you guessed it, products and services that that they offer. Over the last few years MINES & Associates has used this feature to bring information about our services such as Employee Assistance Programs and Managed Care to our followers. However with this option now gone we are no longer able to do this, but LinkedIn has provided another way to bring product specific information to those that wish to stay on top of our offerings, Showcase Pages.

What are “Showcase Pages?”

Showcase pages offer the ability to create sub-pages for each product or service that cater to their own set of followers and provide product specific information and updates. So no longer is MINES limited to a single page for all of our robust services, we now have an entire page dedicated to each facet of what we do. This empowers followers to follow only the information they are interested in.

Why Follow MINES?

MINES & Associates strives to be a thought leader in the areas in which we operate. Therefore, we will utilize our own showcase pages to bring our followers information and updates from the frontlines of the behavioral healthcare landscape brought to you from our own experts here at MINES.

Employee Assistance Programs

Managed Behavioral Healthcare

Specialty Behavioral Health Preferred Provider Organization

Organizational Development – BizPsych

Custom HealthPsych Services

Follow Us!

So we invite you to click on any of the links above to visit our showcase pages and follow any one or all of them in order to stay updated on just the information you want. All showcase pages are also accessible from our main LinkedIn Page which we also encourage all of you to follow, if you’re not already, in order to be among the first to learn of what MINES is up to next.


To your wellbeing,

The MINES Team