In lieu of the holidays, I thought it would be nice to share some of the community service efforts that employees here at MINES make. The holidays are always a time for giving, but during the economic downturn, volunteer work and donating to charities is more important than ever before. Knowing that we have the ability to give people in need a wonderful holiday experience through simply donating some of our time is comforting and heart-warming. The following stories were shared by my co-workers, all of whom wanted to remain anonymous as they believe that this work isn’t about receiving credit, but rather it is about making sure those in need don’t have to miss out on the happiness of the holiday season.

United Labor Agency of Orange County

This year the United Labor Agency of Orange County was robbed, with thieves stealing about $100,000 worth of donated food and toys ( Knowing that people are capable of stealing from the poor is upsetting and disheartening. Because MINES is dedicated to its union brothers and sisters, our CEO Dr. Robert Mines decided it was extremely important to make a company contribution to ULA and show support for them during this difficult time.

If you would like to learn more about United Labor Agency of Orange County, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

The Denver Rescue Mission

“One of my family’s favorite charities is The Denver Rescue Mission. We have been donating to this group for about 15 years. We also work with my church, St. Francis Cabrini Caotholic Church to get Thanksgiving meals organized for that special day. Also, once a month, a number of people from my church are able to volunteer at The Denver Rescue Mission to help serve dinner.”

If you would like to learn more about The Denver Rescue Mission, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program

“I donate to The Salvation Army via their Angel Tree Program. My family has been doing this my entire life, but this year is my first solo effort. It’s important to me because I have always been very fortunate at Christmas time. There are so many children and teens who have nothing to open Christmas morning. My hope is to create some cheer in their holiday season.”

If you would like to learn more about The Salvation Army and their Angel Tree Program, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

Colorado Refugee English as a Second Language Volunteer Program

“I have been involved with this program for about a year now and have forged a wonderful friendship with one of my students. This year I helped her address Christmas cards in English to her friends in the United States and it meant a lot to her. Seeing the happiness on my friend’s face after sending her cards out made me realize that it’s the simple things that matter most during the holidays.

I have also volunteered for Habitat for Humanity (Tajikistan), Artists Striving to End Poverty (Shanti Bhavan, India), and the Ilula Orphan Program (Tanzania). Donating my time to work with people in need is the best gift that I can give because I know that I’m a part of improving the quality of life for people around the world. I’ve also donated to Colorado Public Radio, Central Asia Institute, and The Denver Rescue Mission – funding for projects like these is so important because they are constantly making efforts to make the world a better place.”

If you would like to learn more about Colorado Refugee English as a Second Language Volunteer program, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about Habitat for Humanity, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about Artists Striving to End Poverty, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about the Ilula Orphan Program, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about Colorado Public Radio, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about the Central Asia Institute, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about The Denver Rescue Mission, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.


“LALMBA is an African word meaning “hope” and it is an organization that provides medical, educational, and relief services to people throughout Africa. My family has been involved in helping LALMBA for about 20 years. We personally know the founders, Hugh and Marty Downey from our church, and have been inspired by their profound and extended commitment to this work. We support LALMBA during a special Christmas campaign they have, as well as other times throughout the year.”

If you would like to learn more about LALMBA, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

Charlie’s Place

“Last week I was given an adopted dog, Dexter, as a Christmas present. I am a huge dog lover, so needless to say I was thrilled. Ultimately, though, I was overjoyed to know that the money paid to adopt my puppy went to a no-kill shelter in Colorado. I think it’s important that animals have a safe and healthy place to live until they are adopted, and Charlie’s Place is just that. My dog had been adopted twice before I met him and returned, but the good people at this shelter had faith that they would find him a home, and sure enough they did. I’m so happy to have Dexter as a part of my family now, and I will be donating to Charlie’s Place as often as I can in the years to come.”

If you would like to learn more about Charlie’s Place, volunteer, or make a donation, please click here.

This holiday season, if at all possible, please try and donate your time or make a monetary contribution to any charity that you personally believe in, or one of the organizations mentioned above. I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and a happy new year!

Sarah Kinnel

Marketing and Advertising Assistant