Enjoying the SceneryAs everyone is probably aware, leap years come around but once every 4 years giving us an extra day and making it difficult for people born on this day to properly celebrate birthdays. So what to do with this extra day? Now we understand that leap day this year is on a Monday and as such many of us will be busy working on February 29th. However we would still like to use this day as a reminder for us all to remember that time is precious and we must take advantage of extra time when we get the chance. So please pick a day and take some time to do something fun, productive, relaxing, entertaining, invigorating, healthy, or even unfamiliar. To help out we asked our own MINES staff what they would be doing with their extra day this year. Here are some of the great ideas that were shared.

 Make the Most of It!

“February 29th, I will wake up early and make a good wholesome breakfast, and then make sure I get double the workout in that day, and attempt to get 15,000 steps instead of the normal 7,500!”  – E.J.

Have Fun!

“For Leap day I will be taking my dogs to the park so we can all relax and have some fun.”  – A.H.


“I would spend the day trying to rejuvenate my brain and body.  In this day and age I believe we tend to always be on the go, never stopping to just “BE.”  I would like to walk on a beach, or through the forest and take all the good things in.  By taking time to be good to myself, I can be more in tune with others and in turn help them.”  – S.M.

Be Social!

“For my leap day this year, I will be traveling to a conference that I attend every other year. Besides being a great opportunity to learn about more in my craft, it’s a great opportunity to meet many of my colleagues, nationwide, and share in a day of pure social interaction before the conference kicks off the next day.”  – R.L.

Or Not, It’s Your Day!

“Sometimes when I come across unexpected free time, I like to take the opportunity to recharge my batteries. Kick back with a good book, game, or movie and relax. Who knows, it might be another 4 years until I get another chance!”  – N.M.

Looking at these ideas you can see that there is a variety of priorities here. Some fun, some productive, some just nice and relaxing. Next time you find yourself with some unexpected time on your hands, take a moment to decide how you want to seize the opportunity.

To your wellbeing,

The MINES Team