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September 2015:  Be Aware of Your Emotional Wellbeing

Wellness through Awareness!

Welcome to the September issue of TotalWellbeing! Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th, meaning this month will be an opportunity to get involved with this important cause. Mines will be bringing you resources throughout the month to support those affected by suicide as well as information on how you can get involved and help those in need. So stay tuned this month to our blog, or follow us on Twitter, as we tackle this issue together.

What better month to discuss emotional wellbeing. The power of positive thinking cannot be overstated. While there are many things that happen that we may not like and also may not have any control over, from things like bad weather to getting sick, how we react can make all the difference. To explore this dimension more closely please read The Path, below.

Last month was when most kids go back to school, and while they may dread the start of a new season, you can use the extra time away from the kiddos to your advantage. MINES discussed how you can use this time to practice your lifelong learning, and the importance of striving to make yourself wiser, one day at a time. Make sure to check it out, it’s sure to make the new school year more interesting. Continue to watch the MINES blog to see latest discussions about wellbeing topics and tips on staying healthy and stress-free. For even more great resources be sure to explore the links to the left with important resources such as our LinkedIn showcase pages and Balanced Living Magazine.


To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The Path

Emotions can be one of the most powerful forces in our lives when it comes to happiness, decision making, day to day activities, and pretty much everything else going on in our lives. The path to Emotional Wellbeing comes from staying aware of your emotions and what affects you both positively and negatively. Do what you can to maximize your positive influences while minimizing the bad. While there are some things in life that we may have no control over, how we react to them is within our control. It is critical to be able to approach life difficulties while looking at the bright side of and keeping yourself in a positive frame of mind. The power of positive thinking can have a transformative effect on your outlook and quality of life and help you get over any hurdles that may come your way.

Emotional Wellbeing resources:

“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder” –Henry David Thoreau. For inspiration and helpful tips, check out what the doctors on have to say about emotional wellbeing and the quest for happiness.

Check it out here!

Teen angst is normal, but what about when it’s more serious? Emotional turmoil can be brought on by the desire to be independent while still needing boundaries and rules set by parents. During this time, some teens may struggle with self esteem issues, anxiety or depression. Learn the warning signs of mental health issues and how to help.

Check it out here!

 Chakra To Your Senses

Many cultures believe in Chakras (shock-ras) which are, simply put, energy centers in your body that govern various aspects of your physiology. We will stay away from the spiritual aspects of these and instead focus on the concept behind them to bring you more ways to nurture you body as well as mind. Click here to see a complete list of the 7 chakras and their properties.

Chakras to nurture this month: Heart and Sacral

In order to support your emotional wellbeing it will be important to be aware of, and nurture, your Heart and Sacral Chakras. Your Heart Chakra is right where you think it’d be and acts as a center of compassion, love, and desire. You can nurture your Heart by connecting with yourself as well as other. Do things that fill you with joy and compassion, have deep talks with those you care about, and be open to the love and compassion of others. Then for your Sacral Chakra, located behind your naval, choose activities that nurture your romantic side. Have a nice dinner with your significant other, go dancing, or even just a nice relaxing hot bath will help support your relationships, empathy, and sensuality which are all important aspects of your emotional wellbeing. Now get out there and have fun and be well!

 If you or a member of your household needs assistance or guidance on any of these wellbeing topics, please call MINES & Associates, your EAP, today for free, confidential, 24/7 assistance at 800.873.7138.
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