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Business Travel Stress-Busters 

November 9, 2010

This holiday season, a large portion of my family is meeting in Dallas. I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to share in the festivities and togetherness with three different generations of my family – after all – that is what the holidays are about. However, when the vision of long security lines, delayed flights, and general airport madness entered my mind I immediately changed the travel arrangements to a 12 hour drive. Unfortunately, my parents and siblings agreed with me and we will now be packed in like sardines during that 12 hour drive. Maybe that security line isn’t sounding so terrible now. 

Much like traveling for the holiday season, traveling for work comes with its own stressors. Not being in your own environment can be stressful enough, but to add meetings, rental cars and remote access on top of it all can be a little overwhelming. These tips should help reduce stress next time you’re traveling.

Read more on this topic here…
Britney Kirsch 

Account Manager