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October 2016: Emotional Wellbeing

Get Involved!


death_to_stock_photography_bodytruths_7Welcome to the October issue of TotalWellbeing! If you have been following TotalWellbeing you know that every month we focus on one of the 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing. This month it is time again to look at emotional wellbeing and how your emotional state can affect other facets of your overall health. Certain things like motivation, enjoyment of activities, eating habits, and social interaction, just to name a few, are all things that your emotional state can impact. If you are aware of this interconnection then you can begin to leverage your other wellbeing dimensions to lift your spirits. For instance you may find getting some exercise helps alleviate some anxiety, or how going out with friends may help with any stress you may be feeling. We know that it might be hard to put yourself in a mindset to be productive, but trust us you will be happy you did.  For a closer look at this month’s topic and helpful resources please check out The Path and The Connection below.

September’s MINESblog posts covered a couple topics. To help you celebrate Labor day, our first post talked about being mindful of your free time and gave some tips on how you can keep unplanned events and bad moods from getting in the way of your relaxation time. Next, on a much more serious note we took Suicide Prevention week as an opportunity to provide some important information on warning signs of suicide and what you can do to help someone you think might have suicidal thoughts. Keep in mind if you or someone you know is dealing with suicidal thoughts or depression, and you don’t know where to turn.  You can always call MINES, we are here to help.

As always, for more information please check out the links to the left or hit the share button to send us a message, and to be notified when we post more resources and articles make sure to subscribe to MINESblog. See you next month!

To your total wellbeing,

The MINES Team

The Path: Emotional Wellbeing and Your Body

As we typically like to point out here at MINES, coins have two sides and it is important to look at both. In this case, heads, as in your head, can experience some negative emotions and with those comes some risk depending on how you choose to handle these feelings. Just as positive mindsets can invigorate you and boost things like confidence, ambition, and desire for social activity, negative emotions can deplete your energy and ambition. This can cause you to be less active, eat less healthily, and socialize less, all of which can lead to your negative emotions perpetuating themselves. But that’s where the other side of the coin comes in. This emotion-driven energy dynamic goes both ways. Activity in the other wellbeing areas such as exercising (physical wellbeing), meditating or relaxing in your preferred method (spiritual wellbeing), and even going out with friends (social wellbeing), can make you feel more productive, boost your endorphin production, and help you see things from a different perspective. These proactive activities improve your mental wellbeing meaning the next time you feel down, resist the urge to shut down. Instead get up and go do your favorite activities and get some fresh blood to the brain and we guarantee you’ll begin to feel better.

Tips for you:

Your emotions can impact your physical health in many ways. Luckily there are just as many techniques and daily activities that can help you maintain your health while keeping your emotions in a healthy space. Take a look at what says about your emotion’s impact and tips on improving your overall emotional wellbeing.

Check Out the Article Here!

The Connection: Get Involved

Wellbeing does not simply start and stop at the individual. Our community is connected to each of our own individual wellbeing in a huge way. When we are well we can better function within our community.  We can help our fellow humans thrive, and in turn, when our community is prospering, it helps each of us reach our goals as individuals. So why not help our community so we can all thrive together? Each month we will strive to bring you resources that can help you enhance the wellbeing of those around you or get involved with important causes.

Community Wellbeing Resources:

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and to help support awareness, funding for research, and support to those who are dealing with this devastating disease, Making Strides is hosting walks around the country. If you want to get involved and help in any way you can check out the link below to locate an event near you.

Find an Event Near You!

Don’t forget that PersonalAdvantage, your online benefit through MINES, has tons of great resources for all the dimensions of wellbeing that we discuss here. If you haven’t checked it out yet, or want to see what resources they have for this month’s topic check out the link below. You’ll need your company login, so make sure to get that from your employer.

Check Out PersonalAdvantage Here!

 If you or a member of your household needs assistance or guidance on any of these wellbeing topics, please call MINES & Associates, your EAP, today for free, confidential, 24/7 assistance at 800.873.7138.
 mines_logo_blueMINES does not warrant the materials (Audio, Video, Text, Applications, or any other form of media or links) included in this communication have any connection to MINES & Associates, nor does MINES seek to endorse any entity by including these materials in this communication.  MINES accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided herein, nor any additional content that may be made available through any third-party site. We found them helpful, and hope you do too!