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Blending Families: Hints for Successful Transition
July 27, 2011

All the chaos is over and I’m officially married! The first few nights of our honeymoon, we couldn’t stop talking about how incredible our wedding was but we both had one looming question; “Why did the ceremony start so late?” Everyone thought it was me, which would be the logical answer because I am chronically late to everything, but I was ready to go and impatiently waiting for 20 minutes.

I finally got the answer today from our wedding planner; they couldn’t figure out who the grandparents were to pin on their boutonnieres and corsages. And then I felt terrible. I should have made some sort of diagram of my confusing family dynamics. Excluding my husband’s side of the family, I alone have 4 sets of grandparents. I also had 2 sets of parents and 7 siblings in my wedding party. Nobody could figure out why there were so many remaining corsages and boutonnieres that needed to be pinned. Yes, I definitely should have made some sort of chart with pictures.

As overwhelming as a blended family can be, I always felt that my parents decision to divorce and remarry was the best decision they made for both themselves and my siblings and I. It wasn’t easy moving every year when I was growing up or deciding how both my Dads would walk me down the aisle – but on my wedding day, I looked around at all of my family and felt so blessed by all the love and support I have in my life because of my parents’ decision. Like my Dad says, “there is no such thing as a normal family.” You have to work with what you have and make the best of it. I wouldn’t change what I have for anything.

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Britney Kirsch
Account Manager