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As People Age, They Grow

September 20, 2010

My head buried in my pillow, crying uncontrollably as my mom rubs my back, reassuring me that I would persevere: This wasn’t an uncommon scene in my adolescent years, although I was certain she was wrong and I would never make it through my most recent drama alive. While much of this can be blamed on teenage hormones I also feel that my teen years and early twenties were filled with uncertainty of my purpose and direction. The older I get the more secure I feel with who I am and the more confident I feel in heading towards the direction of my dreams. It’s a magnificent feeling.

While the media often portrays age as something to avoid I would have to disagree. You start to become wiser, more experienced and fulfilled. It makes me think of the old adage, “If I knew then, what I know now…” If I knew then what I now know, I would have been laughing instead of crying into my pillow. I would have realized that I had so much more to look forward to than I could possibly imagine. Whoever says high school was the best time of their life couldn’t have possibly made it to 30. My Mom knew I wouldn’t even remember why I was crying in 15 years, she was right as usual. Age and wisdom; it’s a beautiful thing.

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Britney Kirsch

Account Manager