We have all been exposed through the national news this last month to 3 catastrophic fires. We had 2 wild fires in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, high winds spread a house fire in Detroit to several blocks and numerous homes, and then there was the entire neighborhood in San Francisco that literally burnt to the ground when a natural gas line blew up.

There are typically many associations to help all the people, families and pets that get displaced during these terrible events with food, clothing, shelter and financial donations. But, one area that typically gets overlooked is the emotional and mental strain that these catastrophes put on people.

During the fire, it is an emotional roller coaster as to whether your house and belongings will be spared. Some were lucky and the fire literally was stopped at their doorstep; others lost their house – all of their memories locked up in their homes, gone forever.

MINES and Associates is a 30 year old business psychology firm that can help these individuals with their mental well-being. With over 50,000 providers in the United States, our counselors and therapists talk through these personal issues, determine emotional needs, and put together a treatment plan.

Disasters like this hit everyone differently. The older we are the more thankful we are that we are alive and that most of the things lost in the fire can be replaced. The middle-aged, might be concerned that they just had bought the house or the cars or the furniture that was destroyed. There is now a larger financial strain on them to get their lives reorganized. Children, who we typically remark as being so resilient, may not be – They may actually suffer the most. Their whole world as they know it may be massively changed. And they may not understand the bigger picture or what the future holds.

And for those fortunate to have not lost their homes, they go through the grim reminder daily as they drive to and from their home or simply look out the window at the disaster they narrowly missed.

Many employers offer their employees an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) that can provide help on a number of issues that can arise in the face of tragedy. If you have been affected by the fires, ask your employer for information on your EAP program and how you can get help. If your company doesn’t have an EAP, MINES and Associates provides EAP services to many companies and can help. Contact your HR Department and mention MINES & Associates; we can be contacted any time at 800-873-7138.